The first Löwchen to be imported to Great Britain were Cherrycourt Charlotte v. Livland, and Cherrycourt Hit VD3 Lowen, by Mrs. Eilidh Stenning, in 1968. On their heels, were the dogs imported by Mrs. Eilish Banks, of Cluneen Kennel. She imported also in 1968, Cluneen Butzi VD3 Lowen, and Cluneen Itzi VD3 Lowen. In 1970, Mrs. Banks imported more Löwchen; Cluneen Ocke VD3 Lowen, Cluneen Odette VD3 Lowen, Cluneen Orfy VD3 Lowen and Cluneen Nadine VD3 Lowen as well as Cluneen Nicole VD3 Lowen.
There were further imports later, by other breeders of Löwchen. The dogs came from the VD3 Lowen, Livland, and Bungener-Heide Kennels.
Mrs. Stenning was not as active as she would liked to have been. Mrs. Banks did run a very successful breeding program in the breed. Dogs from her kennel could be found all over the world as foundation stock.
Mrs. Banks produced Cluneen Adam Adamant, who stands in the record books still, as one of the most valuable Löwchen ever. In 1976 Mrs. Banks turned down an offer of 10,000 pounds for him. Adam was listed in the Guinness World Book of Records, as the worlds most expensive dog.
One of the most successful and respected Löwchen kennels acquired its foundation dogs from the Cluneen kennel, the Littlecourt kennel.
The first Löwchen to acquire a championship in Great Britain was Ch. Littlecourt Emma. Mrs. McGregor's dogs were held up as examples of the breed that many breeders aspire to. Most dogs can trace some part of their ancestor lines to the Littlecourt kennel.....(by
Gini Denninger - Ashford Löwchen, USA)
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