All content contained in this web site is subject to copyright and cannot be used either in full or part without the consent of the relevant copyright owner. Most of the graphics are original, but some of the canine clip arts have either been taken from public clip art sites or forwarded to me from news groups members. In the event that these mentioned clip arts are copyrighted, please contact me immediately and they shall be removed from the site, or the due credit given.
Whilst all care is taken, we will not be held responsible for the accuracy of any information contained on this site. Any errors or omissions will be corrected upon notification. Any statements and opinions expressed on our site are not necessarily the opinion of Chinaroad Löwchens of Australia, and/or Australian Löwchen owners.
It is the intent of the Löwchen Breeders pages to put prospective puppy buyers in contact with breeders of Löwchen puppies. We are not responsible for the actions of any of the breeders listed, nor can we guarantee the quality of a puppy from any of these breeders. Each breeder has his or her own contract, guarantees, policies and practices. We do not receive any compensation from any breeders listed here for inclusion on this site. As with all purchases, "Let the Buyer Beware". It is your responsibility to learn about the breed, its good points and problems, then interview each breeder as an informed buyer!
We have endeavoured to list ETHICAL BREEDERS throughout the world, and have the right to deny any breeder inclusion on this site. Those who have knowingly sold to pet shops or have been linked to PUPPY MILLS are definitely NOT included. If a breeder has been listed and is found to have dealt knowingly with pet shops or puppy mill dealers they will be removed from the site immediately!
Chinaroad Löwchens of Australia does not claim to list all Australian Löwchens on this site. It is impossible for us to list the dogs of which we have little or no knowledge of, or their achievements. This site is totally reliant upon owners submitting photographs and show results, advising of new Australian Champions, Grand Champions, litters, imports, exports, information for listings, or just news in general.
The majority of Löwchens on the Chinaroad Löwchens of Australia site consists of those that are fairly new to the show circuit in Australia, hence the listing of NEW Champions, or RECENT winners and recent Imports/Exports, since January 2000. Most of the pedigrees shown on the site are those of newly titled Champions, or recent winners in Show or Group (including Classes in Show/Group) at All Breeds Championship shows or Löwchen Specialty shows in Australia.
We are currently in the process of adding photo archives of the first Löwchens in Australia for future reference.
Everyone was given equal opportunity to become an active team member of this site in the initial stages. Some chose NOT to participate, and for that reason their dogs do not appear.
This is a privately owned and funded site, and does not receive any compensation in return for the thousands of hours dedicated to compiling this information for the pleasure of the internet viewers. It is presented in good faith to offer others the opportunity to learn about our wonderful little lions of the Middle Ages.
Lorraine D. Chippindale
Chinaroad Löwchens of Australia

Chinaroad Löwchens of Australia has used reasonable endeavours to ensure that material contained on this web page (and all its web-site) was correct at the time the page was created and last modified.
However we give no warranty and accept no responsibility for the accuracy or the completeness of the material; no reliance should be made by any user on the material, but instead the user should check for confirmation with the originating or authorising body; and Chinaroad Löwchens of Australia reserves the right at any time to make changes as it deems appropriate.
Chinaroad Löwchens of Australia provides thousands of external links as a service to users of its website. In providing an external link Chinaroad Löwchens of Australia does not accept responsibility for or endorse the content or condition of any linked site. In linking to Third Party Sites, Chinaroad Lowchens of Australia makes no representations whatsoever about any other website which you may access through this one. When you access a non-LOA website, please understand that it is independent from LOA, and that LOA has no control over the content on that website. In addition, a link to a non-LOA web site does not mean that LOA endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content, or the use, of such website. It is up to you to take precautions to ensure that whatever you select for your use is free of such items as computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses and other items of a destructive nature.
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Below is an article that is well worth reading and should be considered very thoroughly.
Ann Marie Falk
Information Specialist
University of Illinois
College of Veterinary Medicine
With so much information available on the Internet, many pet owners are going on-line to learn more about pet care issues. Unfortunately, anyone with a computer and an Internet connection can post a Web page. Not all the information found there comes from reputable sources, and some of it is plain wrong.
"The Internet is a great resource for pet owners interested in general health issues such as owning, training, basic behavior concerns, and breed information. It also offers supplementary information about a previously diagnosed problem. However, it does not take the place of veterinary care," says Dr. Christine Merle, a veterinarian at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine in Urbana.
The biggest on-line pitfall for pet owners is trying to diagnose the pet's problem. Pets with a medical problem need to be seen by a veterinarian so thorough diagnostics can be performed. Doing a search on common signs of disease, such as vomiting or diarrhea, will match for thousands of diseases. You cannot pinpoint a diagnosis accurately on-line.
"Trying to treat your pet with on-line advice can do more harm than good. Always consult your veterinarian before implementing a course of treatment," says Dr. Merle.
Once a veterinarian has diagnosed your animal with a disease or a condition, an Internet search can be helpful. Now that you have a specific disease to research, you can use the Internet as a resource for more information-taking care to find reputable sources.
"Before reading a Web page, take the time to look for the author. What are the person's credentials? What qualifications make the author a credible source? By looking critically you can determine how trustworthy the information is," advises Dr. Merle.
You should also be aware who sponsors the site. Is this a company or business trying to sell a product? Commercial Web sites tend to offer one-sided information. Like most things in life, there are at least two sides to issues related to recommendations for pet care. The burden is on you to look into both sides.
"For example, if an article states that all dogs should be fed Brand X diets, try to find out the benefits of a variety of diets so you can make an educated decision about what to feed your dog," says Dr. Merle. "Believing what you read without looking at the issue from different angles can lead to wrong conclusions."
Backing a claim with scientific research adds to credibility. Have experiments been done to support these findings? Stay away from anecdotal stories, when someone begins with "in my experience this has helped dogs ..." The outcome may have just been a coincidence, and there is no evidence to support it.
Web sites created by large national organizations and veterinary college Web sites (typically these end in .org or .edu) are good places to start a search. Veterinarians have input into most of the information posted there.
Ask your veterinarian to suggest reputable Web sites and consult your veterinarian about the information you find on-line. It's helpful to print out what you find on-line with the full reference and have it on hand when discussing the matter with your vet.
Veterinarians are the best source of information; they can clarify contradictions you find, discuss diseases, provide comprehensive advice, and care for your pet.
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