Contra-indications for anti-inflammatory remedies.
The use of anti-inflammatory remedies is inappropriate when there is already prescription of strong
anti-inflammatory conventional medication, unless the intention is to withdraw the conventional medications.

This plant is useful in urinary tract infections and over active or hypermetabolic liver as in chemotherapy or drug excess.
Kidney tonic. Alfalfa has a powerful reputation as a healing herb. It is a healthy and nutritious source of chlorophyll, beta carotene, calcium, and the vitamins D, E and K. Alfalfa has laxative, diuretic and antiseptic effects. It also has a reputation as a detoxifier, able to improve liver function and cleanse the blood.
Uses: Alfalfa may be helpful in the treatment of urinary tract infections, and kidney, bladder and prostrate disorders. It is also often recommended for bone and joint disorders, digestive problems, skin disorders and ulcers.
Cautions: Anyone with the disease systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) should avoid alfalfa products
Aids in healing allergies, arthritis, morning sickness, peptic ulcers, stomach ailments & bad breath: cleanses the kidneys & removes poisons from the body; neutralizes acids; is a excellent blood purifier & blood thinner; improves the appetite and aids in the assimilation of protein, calcium & other nutrients.
I also like to use the Alfalfa tincture liquid, when animal is feeling very unwell, and not eating much - give 2-3 drops inside pets mouth 2-3 times daily until improvement, then reduce amount.
Cat: 1/2 teaspoon of shopped alfalfa sprouts & mixed into meals. - Also stops them from wanting to eat grass from backyard
Dog: 2 teaspoon of fresh chopped alfalfa sprouts with daily meal as a natural enzyme for good digestion.
Grows throughout most of the warmer parts of the world. It has been used medicinally for thousands of years and has antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, moisturising and wound-healing effects. It also stimulates immunity. Taken internally, it soothes gut irritation, aids healing and is laxative.
Uses: When applied to the skin Aloe Vera is used to treat burns, minor skin irritations and wounds. Internally it is used to treat constipation, peptic ulcers, diabetes, asthma and viral infections.
CAUTION: The preservative (BENZOIC ACID) in ALOE VERA JUICE/GEL is toxic to the cat's liver.
Use powder capsules for CATS (mix in some water and add to meals)
ARNICA (Arnica montana) - For External Use only!
(Unbroken skin) swelling, pain and bruising, helps with neuromuscular tones as in arthritis. Also known as mountain tobacco, arnica is a well known herbal and homeopathic remedy. It has anti-inflammatory and pain-killing properties when used externally.
Uses: Arnica is used to treat bruises, sprains and swellings.
Cautions: Arnica should not be used internally, unless the medicine is in a commercially prepared form. It should not be used on open wounds
ASTHMA WEED (Chamaesyce hirta)
Asthma weed acts on the bronchi of the lungs, causing them to relax and making it easier to breathe.
Uses: As it's name suggests, asthma weed is used to treat asthma. It can also be used to treat hay fever and upper respiratory tract catarrh.
As an immune system builder and strengthener, this herb is a deep tonic that replenishes bone marrow. Anti-fungal/diuretic/expels toxins/pus/aids adrenal. One of the best known herbs used in Chinese medicine, astragalus strengthens the digestion and stimulates the immune system. It also aids adrenal gland function, acts as a diuretic and dilates blood vessels.
Uses: Astragalus can be used to boost the immune system in people who frequently suffer from infections such as colds. It can also be used in convalescence and to aid in cancer treatment and recovery from chemotherapy.
Cautions: Astragalus should not be used in cases of acute infections or fevers.
For depression, breakdown, nerves
Having blood cleansing properties for septic conditions and degenerative diseases, it will stimulate metabolism of waster products and cellular repair.
USE WITH CARE ALSO KNOWN AS: Wild Indigo ~ Indigo Broom ~ Baptisia ~ Horse-fly Weed ~ Indigo-weed ~ Rattlebush ~ Black Root ~ False Indigo ~ Baptisia tinctoria
Antibacterial, antimicrobial, antipyretic, antiseptic, astringent, cathartic, emetic, emmenagogue, immunostimulant , laxative, cardioactive, purgative, tonic
Good for sluggish liver, gallstones, herpes, ulcers and jaundice, it will lower fevers, inflammations and blood pressure, acts as intestinal strengthener and laxative.
Since Ancient Greece, bee pollen has been used to increase stamina and endurance among humans. This whole food is a rich source of protein and carbohydrates, a strong immune system builder, speeds healing and is a digestive aid. Bee products are also used as pain relievers, to reduce allergies and to prevent cancer.
Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) Bilberry has a long history of use, both as food and medicine, but renewed interest was sparked when Second World War pilots noticed that their night vision improved after they ate bilberries. Bilberry strengthens capillaries, stabilises collagen, reduces blood clotting, lowers blood sugar, relaxes smooth muscle and helps to prevent and cure ulcers. It also has antioxidant action. Uses: Bilberry is used to treat eye conditions such as cataracts and macular degeneration, blood vessel problems such as varicose veins, and ulcers.
Baptisia (Baptissia tinctoria) (septic, lymph)
BILBERRY EXTRACT (Vaccinium myrtillus)
Bilberry extract is believed to help prevent or treat fragile capillaries. Capillary fragility can cause fluid or blood to leak into the tissues, causing haemorrhage, stroke, heart attack, or blindness. Less serious effects include a tendency to bruise easily, varicose veins, poor night vision, coldness, numbing, and leg cramping. Bilberry extract may protect capillaries and other small blood vessels by increasing the flexibility of red blood cell membranes. This action allows capillaries to stretch, increasing blood flow, and red blood cells can deform into a shape that eases their way through narrow capillaries. European clinical trials have shown the effectiveness of bilberry extract for venous insufficiency of the lower limbs in 18-to75-year-old subjects (Corsi, 1987; Guerrini, 1987). It has been used to treat varicose veins in the legs, where it significantly improved symptoms of varicose syndrome such as cramps, heaviness, calf and ankle swelling, and numbness (Gatta, 1982). These trials revealed no significant side effects, even at 50 percent over the ~normal dose. In two clinical trials, a standardized bilberry extract was given to 115 women with venous insufficiency and haemorrhoids following pregnancy. Both studies documented improvements of symptoms, including pain, burning, and pruritus, all of which disappeared in most cases (Baisi, 1987; Teglio et al., 1987).
As a anti-spasmodic, it works on ovarian neuralgia, thyroid balancer,
oestrogen. Hormone balancing properties. Encourages oestrogen production. If pet looses some hair, after being spayed
Expel parasites, gentle laxative, high in magnesium. For intestinal flora imbalances, it tones the GI tract. As an anti-fungal, it may help in yeast infections. Has been successfully used to
treat HEARTWORM Positive dogs, a test titer was done 3 months and presented negative to Heartworm. Even when Vet has said that one dog was the worst he has seen. Many animal carers use this herb as a natural
Heartworm prevention as well. EG. 1 dropperful daily in meals. Or 1 (powder) cap daily in meals. Dogs with long coat or sleep indoors as night would not need protection as such, but is okay to give 3 x weekly if desired to do so in high season areas.
Cancer, Glandular Insufficiency helped, increases glandular activity.
BLESSED THISTLE (Cnicus Benedictus)
Blood Purifier - General Tonic - Liver - Lungs - Kidneys - Heart -Tumours.
I have used this herbal tincture in combination with a couple of others to treat cancer.
Oral tumours in dogs and cats have shrunk and completely disappeared after 4 to 5 months of herbal treatment with this herb in conjunction with others added to daily meals.
Reports of a success with dogs diagnosed with brain tumour that had shrink while on Blessed Thistle caps and natural diet. Treatment took 5 months. For Example: small/med size dog - first month give 1 powder from cap (am & pm) in food or preferably in plain yoghurt or goats milk, then 2nd and 3rd month give 1 cap (pm) Rest on the 4th month. 5th month 1 cap daily.
Blessed Thistle Tincture is said to have great power in the purification and circulation of the blood. It strengthens all the principal members of the body, the brain, the heart, the stomach, the liver, the lungs and the kidney; it is also a preservative against disease. Blessed Thistle is also beneficial for those suffering from
hepatitis, inflammation of the liver, or cirrhosis of the liver, and is also recommended for animals exposed to smokers in the family and other pollutants in the workplace/environment..
Caution: not to be used with ulcers in stomach or pregnant animals or humans.
BLUE FLAG ( Iris versicolor)
Synonyms---Blue Flag. Poison Flag. Flag Lily. Liver Lily. Snake Lily. Dragon Flower. Dagger Flower. Water Flag.
Called a liver lymphatic, it gets natural oils to the skin and is good mixed with other herbs for blood toxicity; powerful liver stimulant; it will increase the metabolism and assimilation of complex foods for deficient body types. It is chiefly used for its alterative properties, being a useful purgative in disorders of the liver and duodenum, and is an ingredient of many compounds for purifying the blood. It acts as a stimulant to the liver and intestinal glands and is used in constipation and biliousness, and is believed by some to be a hepatic stimulant second only to podophyllin, but if given in full doses it may occasion considerable nausea and severe prostration. Commonly grown as an ornamental garden plant, blue flag has a reputation as a blood purifier and cleanser of toxins.
Uses: Blue flag is used to treat skin complaints such as psoriasis and eczema, possibly via its effects on the liver. It is also useful in the treatment of headache and migraine associated with digestive problems and low blood sugar.
Cautions: The root can cause nausea and vomiting. Small doses should be used.
Detox, tumours, USE sparingly - can be too aggressive in stimulation for Lymphoma in humans, but dogs handle it a little better.
Blue Violet Leaf is used with Red Clover as a Detoxifier and blood cleanser. A Herbal cleanser for pets who have a toxic reaction to the Annual Vaccinations.
E.g. Skin problems, tumours, behaviour reaction/aggravations, lethargic, vomiting, shivering, loss of appetite and fever.
* Use it for Cancer, Tumours ( external / internal or oral ), Cysts, Boils and Abscesses, Skin Cancer, and Chronic Skin diseases.
* Highly recommended for any animal that has chronic or acute skin or digestive or respiratory problems and have been vaccinated annually.
If pet has never been well since the last vaccine. or has itchy skin - Use
Vaccine Detox Drops
Shrinks inflamed tissue, arthritis inflammatory, spinal arthritis, hip dysplasia (maintenance dosage)
BUCHU (Barosma betulina)
As a urinary disinfectant, it is helpful in chronic cystitis or urethritis in an acid environment, due to colon bacteria invasion. Buchu is a small shrub native to South Africa where it is often used both as a flavouring agent and as a medicine. It has antiseptic and diuretic properties, and acts as a kidney tonic.
Uses: Buchu is used to treat blood in the urine, bladder infections and other chronic urinary tract disorders. It is also said to be an effective remedy for kidney stones, prostate disorders, cystitis, and rheumatism.
Cautions: Buchu should be used with cautiously in cases of kidney disease.
BURDOCK ROOT (Arctium lappa)
Cultivated as a food in Japan, burdock is valued as a blood purifier and cleanser. It stimulates the secretion of digestive juices, especially bile.
Uses: Burdock is used to treat skin conditions such as psoriasis, boils, acne and eczema. It is also used to treat arthritis.
CALENDULA (Calendula officinalis)
It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal and wound-healing properties when used externally. It is used as a skin wash for the fast healing of wounds, burns, insect bites, skin lesions, cut and abrasions. A favorite of homeopaths, it is used in compresses and salves as a very effective first aid remedy. On wounds and abscesses, make sure the opening is completely cleaned out and all pus removed before applying the salve or compress - calendula closes the skin rapidly and no toxins should remain inside the wound once the skin is closed. Calendula oil is used for ear infections, infected anal gland impact (gently massage gland sacs, to soften glands, and press to release fluid gently.
Dilute 10 drops into one cup of water makes a good healing lotion for cuts and broken skin.
* Calendula Herbal drops neat will stop bleeding on a open wound. - (For car injuries and accidents - Internal bleeding, use homeopathy remedies, specifically for hemorrhaging & shock and bruising)
NOTE: It stings a lot when it is undiluted, so only use in emergency.
Promotes cleansing of the circulatory & digestive system; reduces fever, purifies the blood; helps prevent muscle aches, tiredness, skin blemishes, headaches, rheumatism, ulcers & sore throats; helps in regulating your blood pressure and pulse rate
Gentle natural laxative for chronic constipation
CAT'S CLAW (Uncaria tomentosa)
An immune system enhancer, it has found use in arthritis, cancer, allergies and systemic Candida, HIV and AIDS, while reducing side effects of chemotherapy; also increases circulation and inhibits formation of plaque and blood clots in the brain. Heart and arteries, lowering blood pressure and helping with thrombosis; anti-oxidant, anti-viral and anti-tumour, it helps the body fight infections better. Diabetes, respiratory & circulatory. Cat's claw has been used by Peruvian Indians to treat a wide range of health problems. It boosts immune and digestive system function and has antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. Uses Cat's claw is used to treat bowel disorders such as Crohn's disease, and colitis. It may also help to treat arthritis and bursitis, and support chemotherapy patients.
Cautions: Cat's claw should not be used during pregnancy.
CAYENNE (capsicum)
Emergency - heart attack stimulant congestion - 1 or 2 capsules of Cayenne pepper powder down throat. For Improvement of circulation. It is very hot in taste, so only very small amount needed. Eg. 1 to 2 drops orally for pet or add drops to water for drinking for humans.
CAYENNE PEPPER (Capsicum annuum)
An essential ingredient in cooking, cayenne is also known as the chilli or hot pepper. It contains carotene molecules which have powerful antioxidant effects. Cayenne can also help digestion, improve circulation and lower cholesterol and blood fat levels. When applied topically, it acts as a pain reliever.
Uses: Topical cayenne pepper preparations are used to relieve pain in cases of arthritis, headaches and diabetic neuropathy.
Cautions: High doses on an empty stomach can cause gut irritation and eventually ulcers in susceptible people.
CELERY SEED (Apium graveolens)
The wild version of the well known vegetable, celery has diuretic and antiseptic effects. It also relieves smooth muscle spasm and may lower blood pressure.
Uses: It is used to treat arthritis and urinary tract infections.
Cautions: Celery should not be used during pregnancy or by anyone with kidney disease.
CHAMOMILE ( Matricaria recutita)
General nausea, clingy pets, nervine (10th crania nerve) and all branches. A popular herbal tea, chamomile has many beneficial effects. It is anti-inflammatory, anti-allergy, aids digestion, relieves muscle spasm, is a relaxant and has wound-healing effects.
Uses: Chamomile is used to treat many conditions including asthma, hay fever, sinusitis, gastrointestinal disturbances, menstrual and menopausal problems, nervous tension, insomnia and tension and digestive headaches. An excellent cleanser & toner of the digestive tract; aids in calming the nerves; expels worms & parasites; improves the appetite & helps eliminate dandruff.
Externally it can be used to treat skin problems and conjunctivitis.
Cautions: In rare cases, there may be an allergic reaction to chamomile
Tones the liver and increases dietary fat metabolism; treats rheumatism, malignant growths, and radiation poisoning; pulls heavy metals out of the body. Aids in healing skin blemishes, acne, arthritis & allergies; promotes hair growth; acts as a natural antibiotic within the body with no side effects.
CHICKWEED (Stellaria media)
Allergies, Appetite, asthma, blood poisoning, boils, bronchitis, cancer, colon problems, cleansing, constipation, diabetes, hay fever, hemorrhoids, inflammation, rheumatism, skin problems, sore throats, swelling, tumors, ulcers.
Use in rheumatism where the pains shift a lot; also it helps control dietary fat metabolism. A common garden weed, chickweed is a vitamin and mineral- rich herb. It is rich in B complex vitamins, iron, copper, calcium and zinc. It can be used externally to relieve itching, and has wound-healing and emollient properties.
Uses: Chickweed is usually used to treat itchy skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, boils, wounds and bruises
CLEAVERS (Galium aparine)
Also known as goosegrass and catchweed because of its sticky leaves, Cleavers has long been valued as a tonic for the lymphatic system,
Uses: Cleavers is used to treat skin disorders such as psoriasis, eczema and acne. It is also useful in treating swollen glands and urinary stones.
CLIVERS (Galium aparine)
Other names: Barweed, Bedstraw, Catchweed, Goose Grass, Grip Grass, Hayruff, Hedge-burs, Scratchweed, Stick-a-back
Clivers is sometimes used to treat urinary tract infections and skin disorders, but its effectiveness remains to be proven. Other unverified uses include ulcers, infected glands, kidney and bladder stones, bladder inflammation, difficult urination, swelling due to water retention, and breast lumps. In Asian medicine it's considered a remedy for stomach bloating, blood in the urine and other urinary problems, and deep-seated skin infections (carbuncles
Heart circulation, Feline AIDS.
COMFREY (Symphytum officinale)
Broken and fractured bones, sprains and damaged tendons; it will stimulate respiratory organs and eliminates expectoration; helpful in arthritis, stomach problems, ulcerated tonsils, abscesses, and wounds; makes an excellent mouthwash for bleeding gums; good for anaemia and diarrhoea. With extended use, it may irritate the liver. Also known as knit bone, comfrey has a good reputation as a wound healer. It is soothing, healing and anti-inflammatory.
Uses: Comfrey is used to treat fractures, wounds, sprains, psoriasis and eczema. Internally it has been used to treat gastrointestinal problems It has been a woman's all-healer for thousands of years. Because it works, the FDA has banned its sale. You will need to grow your own.
Comfrey is a wonderful herb, used internally and externally speeds the healing of bruises, tissue and ligament tears, and broken bones non-unions. ..... One of our dogs eats straight off the plant whenever he needs this herb for soothing digestive discomfort.
Comfrey also rids the Bacteria of Streptococcus and Staphylococcus bacteria, heals urinary tract infections with blood in the urine, heals the lungs and respiratory problems, and heals skin wounds, bites and itching (externally). It is a nutrient, detoxifier, blood cleanser, infection/inflammation fighter.
*Can chop fresh leaves and roots as a poultice, for sprains, splints, shin soreness, bone fractures with horses.
Comfrey is also rich in Vitamin B12 so feed a small handful of shopped leaves to a horse that needs a pick-me-up.
Cautions: Comfrey contains compounds which have caused liver damage only IF given in larges doses for a long period in animals. Otherwise is safe and very effective for healing animals and humans.
We often use the Comfrey in Homeopathic formulations for small animals (Symphytum Off 30C) for easer application as tasteless drops on head or orally.
Used for painful urination to soothe the membranes, increase urinary output and dilute solid waste.
CRANBERRY (Vaccinium macrocarpon)
A popular and delicious juice drink, cranberry also has valuable effects on the urinary system.
Uses: Cranberry is used to treat urinary tract infections and as a long term preventive for kidney stones.
DANDELION (Taraxacum officinale)
Fresh whole plant as an electrolyte balancer, this is our best diuretic because it doesn't deplete potassium in the cat or dog, it is good for kidney inflammations. Has blood cleansing effects. Kidney and liver tonic. A well known garden weed, dandelion is much valued as a herbal remedy. It is a rich source of vitamins and minerals, including potassium. The root is used to improve digestion as it stimulates the flow of digestive juices, including bile from the liver and gallbladder. This can have beneficial effects on many conditions. The leaves have a diuretic effect.
Uses: Dandelion root is used to treat liver conditions and improve liver function. Both leaves and root can be used to treat arthritis and skin conditions.
Excellent for anaemia because it is high in iron, calcium and other vitamins and minerals. A very good diuretic. - Useful in kidney and bladder problems.
For a horse with bladder infection, give at least five ( three for a pony) cups chopped plants a day for four to five days.
DEVIL'S CLAW (Harpagophytum procumbens)
A good first approach for rheumatoid and osteoarthritis as an anti-inflammatory and acts to decrease blood fats, cholesterol and uric acid levels; also good for gout and adrenal cortical problems. It has strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
Uses: Devil's claw is used to treat arthritis, liver and gallbladder complaints. Very effective for arthritis symptoms as well as liver and kidney problems.
DONG QUAI ( Angelica sinensis )
Reproductive hormone balancer.
Dong Quai has a reputation as a very valuable remedy for women as it contains compounds which can regulate female hormone action. Dong Quai also lowers blood pressure, increases blood flow to the brain and other parts of the body, and has also been shown to have mild tranquillising and pain- relieving effects.
ECHINACEA (Echinacea angustifolia, E. purpurea, E. pallida)
Is a herbal antibiotic on the level of penicillin. It is an infection fighter active against strep bacteria (abscesses and boils ), a blood cleanse (blood poisoning, snake bite, poisonous insects), and a glandular and lymphatic system cleanser. Use it particularly for respiration infections and any disease above the waist.
Use it only when really needed, and keep pet or person on it for a max of two weeks to prevent symptoms from returning.
Cats: Add 3 drops to meals 2 x daily. A blood purifier stimulates white blood cell count at an area of infection; its anti-viral, antibacterial, and anti-biotic properties stimulate quick tissue repair. Good for colds, flu's, infections and fevers. antibiotic immune strengthener. Highly valued by the American Indians, Echinacea is now used all over the world. It stimulates the immune system, helps in tissue healing and has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial and anti-cancer effects.
Uses: Echinacea has long been used to treat infections such as colds and flu. It is also useful in aiding wound-healing, treating arthritis and alleviating the side effects of chemotherapy.
ELDER (Sambucus nigra)
Elder flowers have diuretic, anti-inflammatory and anti-catarrhal actions. They raise body temperature, causing sweating which is useful in stimulating the immune system. The bark and berries have laxative, diuretic and anti-inflammatory actions.
Uses: Elder is mainly used to treat colds, flu, dry coughs, sinusitis and catarrh.
ELECAMPANE (Inula helenium)
Elecampane's Latin name comes from Helen of Troy as the herb was said to spring from her tears. It has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects. It is a digestive tonic, an expectorant, and also reduces coughing by relaxing the bronchial muscles.
Uses: Elecampane is used to treat chronic coughs, bronchitis and asthma. It can also be used for gastrointestinal problems.
EYEBRIGHT (Euphrasia rostokoviana)
Has anti-catarrhal, anti-inflammatory and astringent actions. It is the main herb for protecting and maintaining the health of the eye. Acts as an internal medicine for the constitutional tendency to eye weakness.
-Will remove cysts that have been caused by chronic conjunctivitis.
FENNEL (Foeniculum vulgare)
Calmative to expel gas, stomach cramping and intestinal colic. It is also mildly calming to coughs and colds causing amenorrhea. It will increase lactation in nursing mothers. While the root is eaten as a vegetable, it is the seeds which are used medicinally. Fennel has anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects. It also acts as a digestive aid and increases milk flow in breastfeeding women.
Uses: Fennel can be used to treat respiratory infections and digestive problems such as gas and bloating. It can be used externally as a gargle and as an eyewash to treat eye infections.
FENUGREEK (Trigonella foenum-graecum)
Anti-inflammatory, stomach disorders. Allergies, Anaemia, bronchitis, bruises, colitis, colon, cough, diabetes, digestive disorders, fever, flu, hay fever, headache, lung problems, migraine headaches, mucous membranes, pneumonia, sinus congestion, sore throat, ulcers, water retention. It has expectorant, demulcent, vulnerary, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, and blood pressure-lowering actions.
Uses: Fenugreek is used to treat sore throats, bronchitis and to improve digestion.
FEVERFEW (Tanacetum parthenium)
Treatment of migraines, acts as a anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic by opposing prostaglandin action. It may also help arthritis in acute inflammatory stages Feverfew, a member of the sunflower family, has been used medicinally for centuries. It inhibits the manufacture of substances which promote inflammation.
Uses: Feverfew is mainly used to treat and prevent migraine attacks. It is also used to treat headaches and rheumatoid arthritis.
Cautions: Feverfew should not be used during pregnancy.
FIGWORT (Scrophularia nodosa)
Figwort is used to cleanse and purify the blood.
Uses: Figwort is used to treat skin diseases such as eczema, acne and psoriasis.
FLAX (Linum usitatissimum)
Highly valued for its fiber and oil, flax has been cultivated for thousands of years. Flax seeds are a good source of beneficial omega-3 fatty acid and is proven a Oil that will repress Tumour Growths.
GARLIC (Allium sativum)
Acts on bacteria, viruses and intestinal parasites. Used medicinally for 5000 years, garlic has many well-researched effects. It is antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory. It boosts immune function, helps digestion and has also been shown to have anti-cancer effects. Garlic also reduces cholesterol, blood pressure, blood clotting, and limits free radical damage to blood fats.
Uses: Aside from culinary uses, garlic is most often used to treat high cholesterol and blood pressure. It is also used to treat infections and digestive and respiratory problems. Is extremely effective in dissolving and cleansing cholesterol from the blood stream; it stimulates the digestive tract; it kills worms, parasites and harmful bacteria; it normalizes blood pressure and reduces fever, gas & cramps; it used by athletes for increasing physical strength & energy. We found the Aged Kyolic liquid very effective.
Dosage: Crush fresh garlic (1 clove only) into (large to med size dog )dog's daily meals.
GENTIAN (Gentiana lutea)
A well known 'bitter' tonic, gentian has been used for centuries to improve digestion. It stimulates the flow of digestive juices including saliva and bile, and helps stimulate gut movement. Gentian improves appetite.
Uses: Gentian is used to stimulate digestive activity whenever this is necessary. It is also used to treat digestive complaints such as dyspepsia, gastritis, diarrhoea, nausea and heartburn.
GINGER (Zingiber officinale)
For intestinal cramping and gas, indigestion; will cause sweating in a dry fever with chills. Aids in fighting colds, colitis, digestive disorders, flu & gas. it helps increase the secretion of saliva; is excellent for the circulatory system and helps increase stamina. Ginger acts as an antioxidant and has has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting and pain-killing properties. Beneficial effects on the heart. Ginger has anti-ulcer activity and improves the function of the muscles in the gut while helping to relieve spasm. Ginger is also valued for its warming properties.
Uses: Ginger is used to treat motion sickness, nausea and vomiting; inflammatory conditions such as arthritis; and to improve digestion.
Cautions: Large doses on an empty stomach may cause irritation and with long-term use may lead to
Prevents tumour formations - humans and animals.
Cautions: Very large doses may cause diarrhoea and vomiting.
Antioxidant, brain tonic, circulation. The ginkgo tree is the only survivor of the world's oldest living tree species. It has many valuable effects including stabilising cell membranes, reducing free radical damage, improving blood circulation and enhancing oxygen and glucose use. Ginkgo is particularly beneficial for brain, nerves and blood vessels. Uses: Ginkgo is used to treat senile conditions, including Alzheimer's disease; hardening of the arteries; thrombosis, depression, and allergies. It is also used as a treatment for oxygen deprivation. In elderly people, Ginkgo improved pain-free walking distance by 30 percent to 100 percent (Foster, 1990). A German study documented benefits of long-term ginkgo use in reducing cardiovascular risks, including those associated with coronary heart disease, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and diabetes mellitus (Witte et al., 1992). By maintaining blood flow to the retina, Ginkgo extracts inhibited deteriorating vision in the elderly. An adequate amount of extract may reverse damage from lengthy oxygen deprivation of the retina.
GINSENG (Panax ginseng and Eleutherococcus senticosus)
There are several types of ginseng, the best known varieties being Korean or Chinese ginseng (Panax ginseng) and Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus). Korean ginseng is considered to be more stimulating than Siberian ginseng. Both types of ginseng have a long history of use in Chinese medicine as tonics. They enhance the body's ability to cope with stress, improve energy metabolism, lower blood sugar, boost immunity, enhance liver function, and regulate cell growth.
Uses: The anti-fatigue and antiess properties of both types of ginseng are used to increase physical and mental performance in people who are debilitated and suffering from stress. Korean ginseng is also used to treat diabetes, to lower cholesterol, to enhance reproductive system function, to treat menopausal symptoms, to improve immunity and to prevent cancer. Siberian ginseng is often used to treat chronic fatigue syndrome, to combat the side effects of cancer chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and to treat rheumatic pain in the elderly.
Cautions: Ginseng should be avoided by people who have acute infections, high blood pressure or anxiety. Some people experience side effects with ginseng. These include high blood pressure, nervousness, insomnia, skin problems and diarrhoea.
GOLDEN ROD (Solidago virgaurea)
Also known as woundwort and Aaron's rod, golden rod has diuretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and astringent actions.
Uses: Golden rod is used to treat kidney and urinary infections and stones. It can also be used to treat respiratory catarrh and arthritis. .... We grow most of these herbs in the garden, so easy as picking a fresh leaf and crushing adding boiled water to it, let it steep for 5 minutes then let it cool.
Give a cat 1/2 teaspoon orally or in food 2 x daily. Double the amount for dogs.
GOLDENSEAL Antibiotic/penicillin.
Powerful tonic to these tissues, it may alleviate gastritis, ulceration, colitis and some hay fever symptoms. Goldenseal prevents bacteria from attaching to cells, stimulates the immune system, lowers fevers, and has anti-cancer effects.
Uses: Goldenseal is used to treat inflammatory digestive conditions such as gastritis, peptic ulcers and colitis. It is a liver cleanser and antiseptic, and is used for internal bleeding and bowel diseases (colitis etc). It lowers blood sugar and is a natural insulin. It heals the mucous membranes and is used externally for skin cancer.
* Use goldenseal as an elixir for pets with cancer, feline leukaemia, feline infectious peritonitis, and tumours. Do not use goldenseal with hypoglycaemic animals or add liquorice root to goldenseal for them. Monitor diabetic pets closely. Use particularly for any infections below the waist - stomach, bowel, digestive.* Also dilute with water and use as a antiseptic for wounds/infections irritations etc.
GOTU KOLA ( Centella asiatica)
As a cerebral stimulant, it carries nutrients for transport to the brain and rejuvenates neural synapses to help with poor memory and sluggish brain activity; combines with skullcap and Oregon Grape as it will improve skin quality and calm the central nervous system. Arthritis, nervous system, works on the kidneys (yin) elderly. Gotu kola has been used as a medicine for thousands of years and has a reputation as an anti-ageing herb. It has wound-healing and sedative properties, and also improves mental function.
Uses: Gotu kola is used to treat wounds, burns, cellulite, cirrhosis of the liver, varicose veins and other blood vessel problems. It is also used to treat insomnia and stress.
Cautions: Gotu kola is toxic in huge doses.
GRAVEL ROOT (Eupatorium purpureum)
Also known as kidneyweed, gravel root has beneficial effects on the kidney and urinary system.
Uses: It is used to treat kidney and urinary infections and stones, prostate inflammation and gout.
GRAPESEED - Antioxidant
Grape seed extract PCO has also been found to reduce the coughing, wheezing, weakness, mucous and recurring respiratory infections. Slows cancer cell growths, a powerful antioxidant. Another anti-oxidant, giving a healthy cardiovascular. Is 20 times stronger that Vit C and 50 times stronger than Vit E in neutralizing 'Free Radicals". Free Radical damage is linked to over 60 major diseases. This is one of the main cancer herbs we use, successfully!
Anecdotal reports from people using grape seed extract credit it with helping the following conditions: Allergies; arthritis; asthma; blocked coronary arteries; poor circulation; high cholesterol; diabetes (insulin dependence); oedema; glaucoma; headaches; haemorrhoids; joint inflammation; legs jerking at night; enlarged prostate; skin: brown spots, cellulite, eczema, itching, psoriasis, sagging, old surgical scars, spider veins.
Tonic effects on the lungs and kidneys, its stimulating action makes it useful as an expectorant to cough up obstinate catarrh. For the Urinary tract, it is mildly diuretic.
Use as a skin cream as it forms a lacquer coating on the skin, cools and prevents spreading from itching.
Heart tonic muscular tone to cardiac action, as a heart tonic good for myocarditis. This herb can be added to daily meals over a long period.
Native to Europe, Hawthorn has a reputation as a heart tonic. Hawthorn acts to strengthen blood capillaries and connective tissue. Hawthorn improves the blood supply to the heart, improves the strength of heart muscle contraction, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and reduces angina attacks.
Uses: Hawthorn is used to treat atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, and cardiac arrhythmias.
HOPS (Humulus lupulus)
Calmative, seizures, promotes sleep, control nervousness and nervous stomach problems. Hops have been used to brew beer since Roman times. Highly valued for their medicinal properties, hops have sedative, soporific, diuretic and antibacterial effects. Hops also relieve muscle spasm and act to improve digestion.
Uses: Hops are used to treat insomnia, restlessness and nervous tension. The herb can also be used to treat irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease and dyspepsia.
Cautions: Hops should not be used in cases of depression.
HORSE CHESTNUT (Aesculus hippocastanum)
Astringent and tonic to the circulatory system, it strengthens and tones the veins.
Horse chestnut is a valuable remedy for strengthening veins. It can be used externally and internally.
Uses: Horse chestnut is used to treat vein problems such as varicose veins, haemorrhoids and thrombophlebitis.
Cautions: Horse chestnut should not be used by those with kidney disease.
HORSETAIL (Equisetum arvense)
Diuretic, silica, asthma and kidney disorders, strengthens tissues. Horsetail is a rush-like plant with hollow jointed stems. It is rich in silica and other minerals and has diuretic and healing properties. It also stops bleeding and tones the bladder. Horsetail may also promote the healing of broken bones and connective tissue.
Uses: Horsetail is mainly used to treat urinary tract and prostate disorders such as cystitis, urethritis, kidney stones, prostatitis and incontinence. It may also be useful in the treatment of arthritis and bone diseases. It can be used externally to stop bleeding and heal wounds.
Horsetail builds the immune, glandular, and nervous systems, plus skin, coat, teeth, and nails. It helps in expelling parasites/worms and is a diuretic.
Respiratory anti-viral and anti-spasmodic for croupy coughs, bronchitis and asthma; will bring on sweating with dry skin and a fever; a relaxing nervine for petit mal seizures and anxiety states.
Herbs For Dogs
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Y | [Herbal Treatments]
Diana Hayes DIHom Dip Animal Homeopathy
wholisticanimal.com |