
The Dangers of Vaccinations and the Advantages of Nosodes for Disease Prevention
© Donna Starita Mehan, DVM
The purpose of vaccination is to protect your pet from potentially fatal viruses such as distemper,
parvo, rabies, and others. Done by injecting either killed or modified live virus, which sensitizes the immune system to that particular virus. Thereafter, if your pet is exposed to that virus, s/he will be able to respond quickly/vigorously producing antibodies to overcome the infection.
This sounds like a pretty good plan, on the surface. However, we must ask, "Is it safe? Is it effective? Do the benefits outweigh the risks?"
The Problems With Vaccinations "Routine" vaccination, is not always effective and frequently has adverse side effects, either short or long term. With the use of multivalent (combination: 4 in 1, 6 in 1, etc.) vaccines repeated year after year, the frequency and severity of side effects in our pets has increased dramatically.
Most of the problems involve the immune system, which the vaccines are designed to stimulate. But they do so in a very unnatural way that can overwhelm and confuse the immune system. The body may overreact to normally harmless substances (allergies, especially flea allergies and other skin problems), or even produce antibodies to itself (autoimmune disease). At the same time, the body may be sluggish in responding to common viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites, resulting in increased susceptibility to acute infections (such as ear and bladder), chronic tapeworm problems or in more degenerative cases, cancer.
Lack of Alternatives Until recently, there have been no practical alternatives, so the short term benefits of vaccination have seemed to outweigh the long term risks. Now, however, there are homeopathic
Homeopathic Nosodes - A Better Alternative A nosode is simply a homeopathic remedy that is made from a disease product . Nosodes are not in any way infections. Nosodes sensitize the body to a particular virus, so the immune system can react quickly and effectively to natural exposure. Nosodes are at least as effective as vaccines, and in some cases have been shown to be significantly more effective than vaccine in preventing infection.
The biggest advantage in using nosodes; they are completely safe with no risk of side effects whatsoever. They can be safely given to puppies much earlier than vaccines and in fact the mother can be treated before giving birth thus giving her puppies protection from the moment they are born.
Nosodes are easily administered, given by mouth, and don't even need to be swallowed. They are far more economical than vaccination.
Limitations of Nosodes Rabies vaccination for dogs is required by law in most counties, and the rabies
nosode, Lyssin, will not satisfy that requirement. You should know, however, for the health of your animal, that all vaccines including rabies are legally and medically approved for use in healthy animals only! If your dog is showing any signs of acute or chronic disease they should not be vaccinated.
Most boarding kennels and veterinary hospitals will not accept nosodes in lieu of vaccination. If you must board your dog in a kennel or hospital, you may be forced to vaccinate. This is a problem that will hopefully improve as more kennel owners and veterinarians become familiar with
If You Vaccinate As a veterinary homeopath, I do not recommend routine vaccination for dogs and cats, except for rabies in healthy dogs. If, for whatever reason you decide that you must vaccinate your pet, I would make the following recommendations:
...Never vaccinate an animal with symptoms of acute or chronic health problems, or at the time of surgery or stress.
...Vaccinate for one disease at a time, avoid multivalent (combo) vaccines. Give parvo separately from distemper and do not vaccinate for leptospirosis, hepatitis, or parainfluenza. Never give rabies vaccine at the same time as any other vaccine.
... Avoid modified live virus vaccines whenever possible.
...For middle ages pets, vaccinate every 2-3 years.
...After vaccination, give a dose of Thuja 30c (available at most health food stores). Wait a week then give Sulfur 6x once daily for a week.
Therapeutic Use of Nosodes In addition to use as prevention to disease, nosodes can be used even after exposure if given immediately after exposure and before symptoms develop, these nosodes can prevent the development of clinical disease.
Viral diseases such as canine distemper and canine parvo virus are usually incurable with conventional medical treatment (antibiotics, steroids, etc.). However, they frequently respond very quickly and favorably to homeopathic treatment. Due to the potential seriousness of these conditions, you should seek professional help.
Donna Starita Mehan, DVM
A Country Way Veterinary Care
27728 SE Haley Road, Boring, Oregon 97009
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Alternative Care
