Container: 140gm Tin
Substance: Ointment
Colophony * - Used as a dressing for blisters, wounds and as an application for indolent ulcers and boils.
Cresol *- Disinfectant similar action to phenol. Effective against gram positive and gram negative bacteria and some fungi. Has a local anaesthetic effect to relieve itching.
Gum Resin
Colophony *
Colophony (rosin) is principally derived from the Pinus Palustris tree. Rosin is the residue left after distilling off the volatile oil from the oleoresin obtained from Pinus sylvestris and other species. Rosin occurs as wood rosin obtained from pine stumps. Gum rosin is the exudate from incisions made in the living trees. Once tapped the rosin collected from the tree is distilled producing turpentine oil and colophony.
Colophony is a sticky substance that is used for many "sticky" purposes, including as a tacky substance to prevent slipping. Some areas that colophony is used: Older types of sticking plasters, glues and sealants, transparent soap (e.g. Pears soap), cosmetics, sunscreens, topical veterinary medications, drawing salves, blister creams, first aid ointments, lipsticks, concealers, eye shadows and mascara, chewing gum , fly strips, hair removing wax and Brilliantine. Additional areas of use include topical medications in dentistry and dental-impression material, ostomy appliances and salylic acid plasters.
In the Rawleigh Antiseptic Salve, colophony is used as a dressing for blisters, wounds and as an application for indolent ulcers and boils. It also has a drawing effect.
Cresol *
Cresol is a mixture of cresols and other phenols obtained from coal tar.
An almost colourless to pale-brownish yellow liquid, odour resembling that of phenol but more tarry, taste of an aqueous solution, pungent.
Cresol has been often used in disinfectants manufactured for hospitals and in commercial cleaning and domestic homes. The majority of common pathogens are killed in about 10 minutes by solutions containing 0.3 to 0.6% of cresol, but spores require higher concentrations for a much longer time.
Cresol is an antiseptic and preservative. Effective against gram positive and gram negative bacteria and some fungi. Has a local anaesthetic effect to relive itching.
This product needs no mention as it reputation has preceded
it for more than 100 years. The golden salve in the golden
tin is easily recognised as one of Rawleigh's most famous
antiseptic products. Rawleigh Antiseptic Salve is recommended
for superficial burns, scalds, blisters, bruises, minor cuts
and wounds, minor sunburn, chapped, chafed and irritated skin
surfaces. Antiseptic Salve is essentially a drawing ointment
and is therefore excellent for encouraging stubborn blisters
to the surface and extracting dirt painlessly from cuts and
abrasions. It soothes hands that are cracked and neglected
or feet that are swollen or sore. Some Orchardists even recommend
Antiseptic Salve for nicks, tears and breakages in their young
plants. Very good for treating gravel rash. It's also very
good to use as protection against fly bites on the ears of
the dog! Just a light coating of the antiseptic salve on the
ears is sufficient.
To apply
Carefully wash affected area with warm water, apply Salve
liberally twice a day. The Salve will keep the skin soft and
bring soothing, protecting relief to surface skin injuries.
Antiseptic Salve works towards rapid repair as it promotes
restoration of skin tissue. The antiseptics keep wounds clean
and free from injurious substances and inhabits formation
of germs. It is readily absorbed so that it reaches affected
tissues and promotes conditions favourable to healing from
the bottom of innermost portion outwardly. For gravel rash
apply to a gauze and place over the wound. Cover with a bandage.
After 24 hours the bandage may be removed and you will be
surprised at the amount of gravel which will appear on the
Anecdotal information
Antiseptic Salve has been used to restore antique furniture. The Salve brings out the grain in the Blackwood plus seals it before using Cream Furniture Polish.
Former Pakistani international cricketer Zain Sheriff has found that by rubbing Antiseptic Salve into his cricket bat, the ball comes off the bat quicker and with a lot more power. His son Ali concurs.
Antiseptic Salve will remove warts. Antiseptic Salve is reported to ease the pain of tattoos when applied 1-2 days after the tattoos were given.
Avoid staining hands when using stains, car polishes, etc by covering hands first with salve and when the job is finished wash the hands with soap and water and the salve and stain disappear down the drain. |
Sheep foot infections: Antiseptic Salve melted and mixed with Zinc Sulphur crystals has been used for treating sheep which have foot infections. After paring back the nail to reveal the infected area, apply the substance to the affected feet with a spatula, covering the area well and applying it between the sheep's toes. The foot is then bandaged, using old linen, splitting the end of the bandage and tying it on the foot, The sheep is kept in a paddock for a day by which time it has managed to rid itself of the bandage, but the ointment had time to have good effect. Checks the sheep after a week and even the worst effected feet clean up and grow healthy tissue. Badly flyblown feet can be dipped in fly strike solution, dried off before applying the ointment mixture. Before using this method stand sheep a zinc sulphate foot bath for one hour - this can be a tedious and lengthy operation
. |

Other Rawleigh's Products for use with dogs
Rawleigh Pine Oil: 20 to 1 dilution for washing kennel floors and bedding and also in water for washing animals. Can be used stronger for cuts and wounds which itch and cause the animal to bite or rub the wounds. Kills and repels fleas and mites.
Rawleigh Cough Mixture: Kennel cough. Dose 5 mls Should be used at the first sign of a cough as it stimulates secretions in the throat, is very soothing and promptly reduces bouts of coughing.
Rawleigh Camphor Balm: Muscle toning: greyhounds etc. Excellent for neuralgia, lumbago, torn muscles, sprains and stiff necks. Ideal for massaging as it is self lubricating.
Use for mastitis in dogs!
Rawleigh Anti Pain Oil: Can be used as a pre-race rub for greyhounds to warm muscles. Helps prevent muscle injury and relieves muscle soreness.
It is useful for reducing local painful congestions caused by strains,
bruises, recent swellings and by increasing circulation, for soothing muscular rheumatic and neuralgic aches and pains. |

Historically, people have used Rawleigh Antiseptic Salve for blisters, boils, bee stings, chapped hands, cracked feet, ear aches, hives, insect bites, rashes (including diaper and prickly heat rash), saddle sores, warts, and as a poultice.
Rawleigh Medicated Ointment has also been used for over a century for relief from blisters, boils, chapped hands, chicken pox (to stop itching),
insect bites, hives, sore muscles (as a massage ointment), pierced ears (to prevent soreness and infection), prickly heat rashes, rheumatism, sciatica, sinus problems, and even warts!
Rawleigh Camphor Balm has been used by adult asthmatics on their chests, and also for relief from chest colds and bronchitis, chilblains, muscle cramps, lumbago, sore muscles, sprains, stiffness, neuralgic pain, rheumatism and saddle sores. Animal use includes
Rawleigh Medicated Ointment and Rawleigh Camphor Balm for mastitis.
Competitive runners swear by Rawleigh Antiseptic Salve for their foot blisters, because it's heavier than most salves and doesn't melt and dissipate from the heat of running.
Competitive cyclists have used Rawleigh Camphor Balm and
Rawleigh Antiseptic Salve to prevent infection, pressure and friction which causes saddle sores.

Please do not contact me with any questions related to the Rawleigh's products. - I am not an agent or a distributor and cannot answer
any questions on their behalf - I simply use
several of their products with success. Details are shown below so you can contact them direct for advice
and service.

Western Australia
Connie & Ron Trigwell
Independent Distributors of Rawleigh’s Famous Products
43 Federal Street, Karlgarin, WA 6358
Phone/Fax: +61 (0)8-9889-5050
Mobile: +61 405 561 516
Perth, Western Australia
Email: rawleigh_distributors@esat.net.au
New South Wales, Australia
Rawleigh Pty Ltd
PO Box 64, Kellyville NSW 2155
Phone: 02 9634 7600
Fax: 02 9899 1865
Email: webmaster@rawleigh.com.au
www.rawleigh.com.au/ |
Canada |
Rawleigh Health Products and Supplements
Chris Corkum
28 Dufferin Street
Bridgewater, NS, Canada B4V2G2
Phone: 1-877-543-9766
Email: chrisandkelli1@bwr.eastlink.ca
www.rawleigh.net |
