Treatment To Relieve Canine Skin Conditions (A
homoeopathically prepared biochemic tissue salt remedy for minor skin ailments)

Combination 'D' Tissue Salts is a homoeopathically prepared biochemic tissue salt remedy for minor skin ailments. According to research, mineral tissue salts are quite safe and without known side effects, and you cannot overdose on them. As you use them, you will learn what combinations, doses and frequency suit your dog. All dog's all have different metabolisms and ailments, and so with this system, you can gear the treatment to their individual needs. Experiment with mineral tissue salts to find out what is right for them. Surprisingly, as early as 1873 a series of papers was published in Germany on the importance of body mineral salts in maintaining the normal functioning of body cells. The author was Dr Wilhelm H
Schuessler, a doctor of medicine in Oldenburg, who believed that a disease process is always associated with a deficiency of one or more of these mineral salts, which he termed 'Tissue Salts'. He observed that disease does not occur if cell metabolism is normal, and that it is normal when cell nutrition is adequate. When there is an imbalance or a deficiency in the mineral salt (or tissue salt) constituents, the ability of the cells to assimilate, to excrete and to further utilise nutritional materials is impaired. We do ask that if you try the treatment, that you write to Cristina and keep her informed of your results, whether they are success or failure stories. |

I first read about Combination D Tissue Salt
approximately 15 years ago - a woman in Brisbane had a son who had eczema and
in desperation she had put her son onto these tablets and the improvement was
quickly noticeable. She also owned a West Highland White which had a chronic skin
condition. The
photos of the 'before' shot showed her dog to have hardly any hair, raw areas throughout it's body where she had mutilated herself, and some dry crusty
areas. After many expensive Vet bills and being told the Westie suffered from Queensland Itch, the owner had all but given up.
After seeing her son's results from being on these tablets she consulted with a naturopath and decided to give the tablets to her dog as a last effort.
The results were slow at first but the dog's continuous scratching was the first thing she noticed was
starting to reduce. After a month of being on the tablets her dog was calmer and no longer mutilating her feet and
body. After another month the hair roots were starting to show as the dog had
stopped scratching. This woman then started to rub an Eczema Cream
(Vitamin E Cream has proved to be just as good) on the areas that had very hard skin to help soften them. After
six months of being on these tablets her dog had a lovely coat, no longer scratched, and had stopped mutilating it's skin. There was a picture of the Westie showing just that.
She then thought of just how many other owners may be going through what she had and she went to the newspaper and had an article done on it. Over the following
months she received many letters stating some very sad cases but owners had tried the
tablets and their dog's skin conditions were improving.
Suggested dosage: 2 tablet's per day for first two weeks
(so as to get into the system)
then back to 1 tablet per day.
This dosage I have found seems to work on dogs whether they're large or small,
but while some dogs may only need this treatment in summer,
others need it all year round.

So ......... if you want to try this for your dog's condition, the tablets are available through most
Health Food shops at a cost of $7 - $10 for 100
tablet's, which is so cheap compared to what a lot of these people have already spent.
Cristina Fornasier
28th November, 2003
Note: I am not, and do not claim to be qualified or an expert in this field! Although I personally, and
others have had a great deal of success with the Combination D Tissue Salt remedy, it is always my recommendation that you take your dog to your own Veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and the appropriate subscribed treatment.
C.F. |

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For minor skin ailments, scalp eruptions, eczema, acne, scaling of the skin and allied conditions. Skin ailments which are too minor to concern your Veterinarian can still be troublesome and annoying to your pet. When you want a natural remedy for such skin troubles. Combination D could be helpful. It is best taken as a course of treatment.
Mineral tissue salts are best taken 20 minutes before eating or drinking. The tablets can be crushed and wrapped in a small piece of tasty cheese and given to your dog. They may also be dissolved in a little boiled, cooled water in a syringe and this provides a means of liquid dosing.
The medicines are very delicate, therefore please avoid touching the medicine with your hand. Do not return accidentally handled medicine to the bottle. Dispense just the required dose from the bottle at each dosage time. Keep the container tightly sealed at all times, except when dispensing. Do not open two containers of medicine at once.
Store medicines away from sunlight, in a cool dark place and keep away from strong-smelling substances, especially camphor, embrocations, perfume etc. Do not refrigerate or freeze. If correctly stored, the medicines can survive for very long periods. Those stored in glass bottles survive better.
Ingredients, based on Dr Schuessler's Nutritional Biochemic System of Medicine
In homoeopathic potencies, equal proportions of:
Calc Sulph (Calcium Sulphate Dried BPC) 6X.
Kali Mur (Potassium Chloride PH. Eur) 6X.
Kali Sulph (Potassium Sulphate BPC 1949) 6X.
Silica (Silicon Dioxide) 6X.
Also contains lactose.

For further information, please email Cristina mychaka@bigpond.com
with the details as requested below for her to keep an up-to-date record of
the treatments. This will be published here on a monthly basis. 'Before' and
'after' photos would also be greatly appreciated. Please ensure
that you keep us informed of your dog's progress, as the reference records will
assist others in the future.
What part of Australia are you in?
What breed of dog and age?
What other treatments have you tried?
What was the condition of your dogs skin before treatment?
What method did you use to administer the tablets to your dog?
What kind of food/diet do you provide to your dog?
How long was the period of being on the tablets before signs of improvement were visible?
Were there any side affects after tablet was administered to your dog eg: vomiting, diarrhoea etc.?
Do I have your permission to use information regarding your dog for future use in the study of these tablets (Names can be withheld upon request)?

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