Abo |
slang word for
Aboriginal |
Ace |
excellent!; very
good! |
Aggro |
aggravated, angry,
ticked off! |
Akubra |
type, or brand of
hat |
Arana |
moon |
Arvo |
afternoon |
Aussie |
Australian |
Banger |
sausage |
Barbie |
barbeque |
Barney |
argument, punch-up |
Barrack |
root for, cheer |
Battler |
a hard-worker, just
making a living |
Beanie |
close-fitting cap or hat |
Berko |
crazy; insane |
Bikkie |
biscuit, cookie |
Billabong |
watering hole |
Billy |
metal can to boil tea over a fire |
Bingle |
motor vehicle
accident |
Bitzer |
mongrel dog |
Bizzo |
business |
Bloke |
man |
Blotto |
very drunk! |
Bludger |
lazy person,
lay-about |
Blue |
fight |
Bluey |
blue Cattle Dog;
redhead; |
Bodgy |
of inferior quality |
Bonza |
great; ripper |
Boomer |
large male kangaroo |
Boozer |
a pub |
Brickie |
a bricklayer |
Brizzie |
Brisbane, state
capital of Queensland |
Brumby |
a wild horse |
Bundy |
brand of rum made
in Queensland |
Bunyip |
mythical Australian
creature |
Burke |
back of Burke - in
the sticks |
Bushie |
one who lives in the
bush |
Buster |
strong wind |
Cabbie |
taxi driver |
Cheerio |
goodbye |
Chewie |
chewing gum |
Chippy |
a carpenter |
Chokky |
chocolate |
Chook |
a chicken |
Chopper |
a helicopter |
Chrissie |
Christmas |
Chunder |
vomit |
Clackers |
false teeth |
Cobber |
friend, mate |
Cockie |
farmer; cockatoo;
cockroach |
Coldie |
a beer |
Compo |
Compensation pay |
Cooee |
long way off |
Coppa |
policeman |
Corker |
something excellent |
Corroboree |
Aboriginal dance festival |
Cozzie |
swimming costume |
Cranky |
in a bad mood, angry |
Dag |
funny, humorous person;
nerd; goof |
Daks |
trousers |
Dero |
tramp; hobo;
derelict |
Didgeridoo |
Aboriginal wind instrument |
Digger |
Australian soldier |
Dingo |
an Australian wild
dog; a coward |
Dinki-di |
true Australian |
Drongo |
a dope; a
slow-witted stupid
person |
Dux |
top of the class |
Ekka |
the Brisbane
Exhibition; annual Royal Show |
Esky |
large insulated
food/drink container for picnics etc. |
Fair dinkum |
genuine |
Fairy Floss |
cotton candy |
Freo |
Fremantle |
Galah |
noisy, rude person
(Australian bird) |
Hooroo |
goodbye |
Howzat! |
an appeal for approval (how's that) |
Humdinger |
excellent! |
Jackaroo |
male station hand |
Jarrah |
eucalyptus tree |
Jillaroo |
female station hand |
Joe Bloggs |
average citizen, John Doe |
Joey |
baby kangaroo |
Jumbuck |
sheep |
Kaput |
broken; ruined |
Kero |
kerosene |
Kiah |
from the beautiful place |
Kit |
pack with your belongings |
Kiwi |
a New Zealander |
Larrikin |
a bloke who is always enjoying himself, harmless prankster |
Lollies |
sweets, candy |
Mate |
friend |
Matilda |
Swagman's bedding; sleeping bag or roll |
Middy |
285 ml. beer glass |
Missus |
the wife! |
Moolah |
cash money |
Mozzie |
mosquito |
Nasho |
National Service (compulsory military service) |
Nipper |
young surf lifesaver |
Nong |
idiot |
Ocker |
person |
Oz |
Australia |
Ozzie |
Australian |
Pash |
passionate kiss |
Plonk |
cheap wine |
Polly |
politician |
Pommy |
Englishman |
Postie |
postman |
Prezzies |
presents |
Ridgy-didge |
genuine; original |
Ripper |
great, fantastic! |
Rollie |
homemade cigarette |
Roo |
kangaroo |
Sanger |
a sandwich |
Schooner |
Queensland - large beer glass, South Australia
- medium beer glass |
Sheila |
woman |
Shonky |
questionable deal |
Skite |
show-off; brag |
Smoko |
smoke or coffee
break |
Sooky |
cry-baby; person or animal who
is soft, tame |
Squizz |
look |
Stickybeak |
nosy person |
Stubby |
a 375ml. beer bottle |
Swag |
canvas bag for your belongings |
Swaggie |
swagman; tramp |
Talia |
near water |
Troppo |
crazy; insane |
Tucker |
food |
Ute |
utility vehicle, pickup truck |
Vejjo |
vegetarian |
Wally |
a person who makes
mistakes |
Woop Woop |
long way from civilization;
invented name for any small town |
Wowser |
a spoil-sport |
Yobbo |
redneck; an uncouth
youth |
Zack |
sixpence |

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