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Native American Names
Abequa (F) Abey (F) Abeytu (F) Anevay (M) Native American: Superior Angeni (F) Native American: Spirit Angpetu (F) Sioux: Day Ankti (F) Hopi: Repeat Dance Anoki (M) Actor Apiatan (M) Kiowa: Wooden Lance Aponi (F) Native American: Butterfly Aquene (F) Native American: Peace Arapoosh (M) Crow: Sour Stomach Arnatkoak (M) IglulikAskook (M) Algonquin: Snake Atepa (F) Choctaw: Wigwam Atsidi (M) Navajo: Smith Atsila (F) Cherokee: Fire Aviaq (M) Inuit Avonaco (M) Cheyenne: Leaning Bear Awan (M) Native American: Somebody Awenasa (F) Cherokee: My Home Awendela (F) Native American: Morning Awenita (F) Native American: Fawn Ayasha (F) Chippewa: Little One Ayita (F) Cherokee: First in Dance Ayunini (M) Cherokee Bena (F) Native American: Pheasant Beshkno (M) Potawatomi: Bald Eagle Bimisi (M) Native American: ? Bly (F) Native American: Tall Bonita (F) Apache: Beautiful Byhalia (F) Choctaw: White Oaks Standing Cameahwait (M) Shoshone: He who never walks Catori (F) Hopi: Spirit Chahta Imataha (M) Choctaw Chapa (F) Sioux: Beaver Chapawee (F) Sioux: Busy Chapowits (M) Nez Perce: Many Coyotes Chaska (M) Sioux: Eldest son Chayton (M) Sioux: Falcon Cheauka (M) Hopi: Clay Chemehuevi (F) Paiute Chepi (F) Algonquin: Fairy Cheveyo (M) Hopi: Spirit Warrior Chilam (F) Native American: Snow Bird Chitsa (F) Native American: Fair Chlumani (F) Sioux: Dew -> Chumani Chogan (M) Algonquin: Blackbird Chunta (M) Hopi: Cheating Chuslum (M) Nez Perce: Bull Coahoma (F) Choctaw: Red Panther
Cocheta (F) Native American: That you cannot imagine Cochise (M) Apache: ? Culchillum (M) Salish Dakota (M) Dakota: Friend Dasan (M) Pomo: Leader of the Bird Clan Deganawida (M) Iroquois Degataga (M) Cherokee: Standing Together Delsin (M) Native American: He is so Demothi (M) Native American: Talks while walking Dezba (F) Navajo: Going To War Dezba-? Dichali (M) Native American: Speaks a lot Diwali (M) Cherokee: Bowl Dohas�n (M) Kiowa: Little Bluff Dohate (M) Kiowa: Bluff Donehogawa (M) Seneca: He who guards the gate of sunset Dojiji (M) Iroquois Doli (F) Navajo: bluebird Donoma (F) Omaha: Sun is there Doya (F) Cherokee: Beaver Ehane (M) Cheyenne: Our Father Ehawee (F) Sioux: She Laughs Elan (M) Friendly Elu (F) Full of Grace Enapay (M) Sioux: Goes out Bravely Enola (F) Native American: Solitary Eskiminzin (M) Apache Etania (M) Wealthy Etenia (F) Wealth Ethete (F) Arapaho: Good Eyanosa (M) Sioux: Tall/Big Eyota (F) Sioux: Great Fala (F) Choctaw: Crow Gad (M) Navajo: Juniper Tree Gaho (F) Native American: Mother Gawonii (M) Cherokee: He's Speaking Gigyago (F) Potawatomi: Girl Goga (F) Cherokee: Summer Gola (F) Cherokee: Winter Gosheven (M) Native American: Great Leaper Gotara (M) Kiowa Guitonkagya (M) Kiowa: Ringboned Wolf Guyapi (M) Native American: Frank Hachi (F) Seminole: Stream Hahnee (M) Native American: Beggar Hakan (M) Native American: Fiery Halian (M) Zuni: Young Hania (M) Hopi: Spirit Warrior Haylaema (F) Choctaw Heinmot (M) Nez Perce: Thunder Helaku (F) Native American: Sunny Day Hemene (M) Nez Perce: Wolf = Heemeen -> Heemeen Ilp Ilp (Red Wolf) Heta (F) Native American: Racer Hialeah (F) Seminole: Pretty Prairie Hiamovi (M) Cheyenne: High Chief Hiawassee (F) Cherokee: Meadow Hiawatha (M) Onondaga Hinto (M) Dakota: Blue Hinun (M) Native American: Clouds and Rain Hohots (M) Nez Perce: Bear Hola (F) Hopi: Seed Filled Club Holata (M) Seminole: Alligator Honani (M) Hopi: Badger Honi (M) Arapaho: Wolf Honovi (F) Hopi: Strong Deer Hotah (M) Sioux: White Huata (F) Moquelumnan: Basket Carrier Humita (F) Hopi: Shelled Corn Hurritt (M) Algonquin: Handsome Husis Owyun (M) Nez-perc� Imala (F) Native American: discipline In-who-lise (M) Nez-perc� Inola (F) Cherokee: Black Fox Inteus (M) Native American: Has No Shame Ipai (M) Diegue�o Isekemu (M) Native American: Slow moving Creek Isi (F) Choctaw: Deer Istaqa (M) Hopi: Coyote Man Istas (M) Native American: Snow on the Ground Istu (M) Native American: Sugar Ituha (M) Native American: Sturdy Oak Izusa (F) Native American: White Stone Jodrava (M) Yuma Kachada (M) Hopi: White Man Kachina (F) Hopi: Spirit Kaga (M) Native American: Writer Kaitchkona (M) Modoc Kajika (M) Native American: Walks without sound Kali (M) Inuit Kamali (F) Mahona: Spirit Guide Kamama (F) Cherokee: Butterfly Kamia (M) Diegue�o Kangee (M) Sioux: Raven Kanunu (M) Cherokee: Bullfrog Karmita (F) Native American: ? Kasa (F) Hopi: Dressed in Furs Kasaan (F) Native American: Pretty Flower Kash-kash (F) Cayuse Kay, Kaya (F) Hopi: elder (and wiser) sister Keintpoos (M) Modoc Kele (M) Hopi: Sparrow/Hawk Kenda (F) Dakota: Magical Powers Keokuk (M) Sauks Keon Sagalon (M) Carrier Kesse/Kessie Ashanti: Chubby Baby Kewanee (F) Potawatomi: Prairie Hen Kibbe (F) Native American: Bird in the Night Kilchii (M) Navajo: Red Boy Kimilmela (F) Sioux: Butterfly Kinta (F) Choctaw: Deer Kintpuash (M) Modoc Kiona (F) Native American: Brown Hills Kishi (F) Native American: Night Kissunguaq (M) Inuit Kitdlaq (M) Inuit Kit Elswa Haida Kiyo'kaga (M) Sauks Kiyuga (F) Cherokee: Chipmunk Klah (M) Navajo: Left Handed Knoton (M) Native American: Wind Kohana (M) Sioux: Swift Koi (M) Choctaw: Panther Koko (F) Native American: Night Kokotni (M) Potawatomi: Alligator Kosa (F) Cheyenne: Sheep Kotori (M) Hopi: Screech Owl Spirit Kumeyaay (M) Diegue�o Kupt (F) Cayuse Kuruk (M) Pawnee: Bear Kwahu (M) Hopi: Eagle Lallo (M) Kiowa: Little Boy Langundo (M) Native American: Peaceful
Lansa (M) Hopi: Lance Lanyade (M) Zuni Len (M) Hopi: Flute Lenmana (F) Hopi: Flute Girl Leotie (F) Native American: Prairie Flower Lesharo (M) Pawnee: Chief Lieta (F) Pima Lonan (M) Zuni: Cloud Macawi (F) Dakota: Generous Magaskawee (F) Sioux: Swan Girl Magua (M) Mohawk Mahkah (M) Sioux: Earth Mahpee (M) Sioux: Sky Mai (F) Native American: Coyote Maka (F) Sioux: Earth Makawee (F) Sioux: Generous/Motherly Makya (M) Hopi: Eagle Hunter Malia (F) Native American: Bitter Mammedaty (M) Kiowa: Walking Above Manishee (M) Sioux: Unable to work Mansi (F) Hopi: Plucked Flower Maralah (F) Native American: Born During an Earthquake Maripaluk (M) Inuit Maska (M) Native American: Strong Mato (M) Sioux: Brave Matoskah (M) Sioux: White Bear Menewa (M) Creek: Great Warrior Metacom (M) Wanpanoag Micanopy (M) Seminole: Head Chief Micco (M) Seminole: Chief Migisi (F) Chippewa: Eagle Mika (M) Ponca: Raccoon Mikasi (M) Hokan: White Moon Mikasi (M) Omaha: Coyote Mina (F) Sioux: Oldest Daughter Minal (F) Native American: Fruit Minco (M) Choctaw: Chief Minda (F) Native American: Knowledge Minya (F) Osage: Older Sister Misae (F) Osage: White Hot Sun Mitena (F) Ojibway: Born at the New Moon Mitena (F) Omaha: Born at the New Moon Mohe (M) Cherokee: Elk Moki (M) Hopi: Deer Motega (F) Native American: New Arrow Motsqueh (M) Nez Perce: Chipmunk Muna (F) Hopi: Overflowing Spring Nahimana (F) Dakota: Mystic Nakai (M) Navajo: Mexican Nakos (M) Arapaho: Sagebrush Namid/Namida Chippewa: Star Dancer Nampeyo (F) Hopi: Snake Girl Nantan (M) Apache: Spokesman Nara (F) Native American: From Nara Nascha (F) Navajo: Owl Nashashuk (M) Sauk: Loud Thunder Nashoba (M) Choctaw: Wolf Nashota (F) Native American: Twin Nastas (M) Navajo: Curved like foxtail grass Natane (F) Arapaho: Daughter Nawissatken (M) Thompson Ne Shiw Shkak (M) Potawatomi Neakyapamuseoa (M) Thompson Neche (F) Ojibway: Friend Neka (M) Native American: Wild Goose Nekoma (F) Chippewa: Grandmother Niabi (F) Osage: Fawn Nikan (M) Potawatomi: Friend Nikita (M) Native American: Round and Smooth Nimeda (F) Potawatomi: Dance Nina (F) Native American: Mighty Ninovan (M,F) Cherokee: Our Home Nita (F) Choctaw: Bear Nokomis (F) Chippewa: Grandmother Nokosi (M) Seminole: Bear Nova (F) Hopi: Chases Butterfly Now-on-dhu-go (M) Ottawa Noya (F) Cherokee: Sand Nuka (M) Inuit Nuna (F) Native American: Land Odakotah (M) Sioux: Friends Ogaki (M) Arapaho: Crow Ogama (M) Potawatomi: Chief Ogima (M) Chippewa: Chief Ogin (F) Native American: Wild Rose Ohanzee (M) Sioux: Shadow Ohitekah (M) Sioux: Brave Ohiyesa (M) Sioux: Winner Okemos (M) Ojibway: Little Chief Okomi (M) Arapaho: Coyote Ollokot (M) Nez-perc� Onacoma (M) Cherokee: White Owl Onaiwah (F) Ojibway: Pigeon/Dove Onatah (F) Iroquois: Daughter of the Earth and Corn Spirit Onawa (F) Native American: Wide Awake Onida (F) Native American: The One Searched For Ongewasgone (M) Mohawk Ootah (M) Inuit Opa (F) Choctaw: Owl Opechancanough (M) Algonquin: he whose soul is white Orenda (F) Iroquois: Magical Power Osceola (M) Creek: Black Drink Crier Ostotpoo (M) Nez-Perc� Osyka (F) Choctaw: Eagle Otaktay (M) Sioux: Kills Many Otisskun (M) Cree Otskai (M) Nez Perce: Going Out Ouray (M) Ute: Arrow Oya (F) Moquelumnan: Called Forth Pa-akanti (M) Kiowa: Rough Bull Paco (M) Native American: Eagle Padalti (M) Kiowa Padohgai (M) Kiowa Pahana (M) Hopi: Last White Brother Pakwa (F) Hopi: Frog Pamuy (F) Hopi: Water Moon Pana (F) Blackfoot: Partridge Panola (F) Choctaw: Cotton Pat (M) Native American: Fish Patamon (M) Native American: Tempest Patwin (M) Native American: Man Pavati (F) Hopi: Clear Water Pawaqa (F) Hopi: Witch Pay, Payat (M) Native American: He is coming Paytah (M) Native American: Fire Pazi (F) Ponca: Yellow Bird Peopeo (M) Nez Perce: Bird -> Peopeo Tholekt Petalesharo (M) Pwanee Pezi (M) Sioux: Grass Native American: Supreme Essence Poloma (F) Choctaw: Bow Pontiac (M) Ottawa Pop� (M) Tewa Puis (M) Carrier Puto (F) Inuit Qaletaqa (M) Hopi: Guardian of the People Quanah (F) Apache: Fragrant Quanah (F) Comanche: Fragrant Rozene (F) Native American: Rose Blossom Sacajawea (F) Shoshone: Bird-woman Sadzi (F) Carrier: Disposition Sagoyewatha (M) Seneca Sahale (M) Native American: Falcon Sahkonteic (M) Nez Perce: White Eagle Sahpooly (F) Kiowa: Owl Sakuruta (M) Pawnee: Coming Sun Salali (F) Cherokee: Squirrel Salchaket (M) Native American: Mouth of a Salcha Sani (M) Navajo: Old Saouandanancous (M) Iroquois Sapata (F) Native American: Dancing Bear Sasa (F) Cherokee: Goose Satank (M) Kiowa Satanta (M) Kiowa: White Bear Satinka (F) Native American: Magic Dancer Saukamappe (M) Piegan Sawni/Suwanee (F) Seminole: Echo Schonchin (M) Modoc Sekanis (M) Carrier Sequoyah (M) Cherokee: Sparrow Set�ngya (M) Kiowa: Sitting Bear Set�peto (M) Kiowa Setimika (M) Kiowa: Charging Bear Setongya (M) Kiowa: Sitting Bear Shada (F) Salish: Pelican Shanawdithit (F) Beothuk Shappa (M) Sioux: Red Thunder Sharitarish (M) Mohawk Shenandoah (F) Algonquian-Wakashian: Beautiful star daughter; maybe spruce-lined stream or vast prairie. -> Shannondoah, Shannondoeh Shilah (M) Navajo: Brother Shiriki (M) Pawnee: Coyote Shiye (M) Navajo: Son Shuman (F) Hopi: Rattlesnake Handler Sihu (F) Hopi: Flower Sikari (F) Native American: Sweet Sike (M) Navajo: He sits at Home Sinopa (F) Blackfoot: Fox Sinopa (F) Cayuse: Fox Cub Sinte Maza (M) Sioux: Iron Trail Sisika (F) Bird Sitka (M) Tlingit Skah (M) Sioux: White Skenandoa (F) Iroquois: Deer Slana (F) Native American: Alaskan Indian Village Soyala (F) Hopi: Winter Solstice Stickwan (M) Ahtna Sugmuk (M) Potawatomi: Earth Sugnog (M) Potawatomi: Blackbird Suni (F) Zuni: Native Tribal Member Sunki (F) Hopi: Catch up with Sye-cui-sall (F) Maricopa Tablita (F) Hopi: Tiara Taci (F) Zuni: Washtub Tadewi (F) Omaha: Wind Tahatan (M) Sioux: Hawk Taheton (M) Sioux: Crow Tahoma (M) Navajo: Waters Edge Taini (F) Omaha: New Moon Takala (F) Hopi: Corn Tassel Talisa (F) Creek: Beautiful Water Tallulah (F) Choctaw: Leaping Water Tansy (F) Hopi: Flower Name Tashunka (M) Sioux: Horse Tate (M) Native American: He who Talks Too Much Tatonga (M) Sioux: Large Deer Tau-gu (M) Paiute Tavfinguaq (F) Inuit Tavibo (M) Paiute Tawa (M) Hopi: Sun Tayanita (F) Cherokee: Young Beaver Tehya (F) Native American: Predous Texas (M) Native American: Friend Tipai (M) Diegue�os Tiva (F) Hopi: Dance Tiwa (F) Zuni: Onion Todi (M) Omaha: Wind Tohona (F) Native American: River Tokala (M) Dakota: Fox Tokota (M) Sioux: Friends to everyone Tonasa (F) Comanche Too-hool-hool-zote (M) Nez-perc� Too-ya-la-kekt (M) Nez-Perc�: Thunder arriving on the plain Toski (F) Hopi: Squash Bug Totsi (F) Hopi: Moccasins Tsela (M) Navajo: Stars Lying Down Tsenbo (M) Kiowa Tsiyi (M) Cherokee: Canoe Tsoai (M) Kiowa: Rock Tree Tsolocha (M) Cherokee Tsomah (F) Kiowa: Yellow Hair Tsula (F) Cherokee: Fox Tuari (M) Hokan: Young Eagle Tu-eka-kas (M) Nez-perc� Tula (F) Choctaw: Peak Tum-se-ne-ho (M) Spokane: The Man Who Has No Blood Tutok (M) Aleut Tuwa (F) Hopi: Earth Tyee (M) Bannock: Chief Una (F) Hopi: Remember Unaduti (M) Cherokee: Wooly Headed Urika (F) Omaha: Useful Usdi (F) Cherokee: Baby Usti (M) Cherokee: Little Utina (F) Native American: Woman of my Country Utse-tah-wah-ti-an-kah (M) Osage Viho (M) Cheyenne: Chief Waban (M) Native American: East Wind Waboyan (M) Potawatomi: Blanket Wachiwi (F) Sioux: Dancing Girl Wah-com-mo (M) Fox: Fast walker Wahlitits (M) Nez-perc� Wahunsonacook (M) Algonquin Waki (F) Hopi: Shelter Wakus�sse (M) Fox Wanekia (F) Paiute: Makes Life Waneta (M) Sioux: Charger Wansutta (M) Wanpanoag Wapin (F) Potawatomi: Dawn Wapti (M) Potawatomi: Antelope Washakie (M) Shoshone Washin-ha (M) Osage Washta (F) Sioux: Good Wasula (F) Native American: ? Watseka (F) Potawatomi: Pretty Woman Wattan (M) Arapaho: Black Waunthoak (F) Beothuk Waya (M) Cherokee: Wolf Weayaya (F) Sioux: Sunset Weeko (F) Dakota: Pretty Girl Weetamoo (F) Pocassets Wesa (M) Cherokee: Cat Whakan (M) Sioux: Sacred Wicasa (M) Dakota: Sage Wichapi (F) Sioux: Star Wikvaya (M) Hopi: One who Brings Winneshiek (M) Winnebago Winona (F) Sioux: First born daughter ->Wenona Wis Ki Gete (M) Potawatomi: Rising Smoke Wohali (M) Cherokee: Eagle Wovoka (M) Paiute Woya (F) Cherokee: Dove Yaholo (M) Creek: Crier Yakez (M) Carrier: Heaven Yamka (F) Hopi: Blossom Yanaha (F) Navajo: She Meets the Enemy Yansa (M) Cherokee: Buffalo Yepa (F) Native American: Snow woman Yiska (M) Navajo: The Night Has Passed Yoki (F) Hopi: Rain Yona (F) Cherokee: Bear Yoomee (F) Coos: Star Zaltana (F) Native American: High Mountain Zihna (F) Hopi: Spinning Ziracuny (F) Kiowa: Water Monster Zitkala (F) Sioux: Bird Zonta (F) Sioux: Trusted Zotom (M) Kiowa: Biter
Compiled by Joumana Medlej. This information was provided by: cederseed.com for educational purposes only.
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