A collection of words that have affected
me in some manner.
I believe you'll enjoy them too.

The Messenger
Copyright Jim Willis 2001
I dreamed I came upon a meadow
sunlit and fragrant, a small dog at my side.
As we walked on in silence I saw
across the blue ribbon of a river, a field,
where animal spirits licked the morning dew
from brilliant poppies...basked in sunshine...
batted at butterflies.
"Is this Heaven?" I asked.
He nodded yes and as we rounded a bend in the path,
I saw ahead a wondrous garden
surrounded by a halo of mist,
where animals and children lay among the flowers.
Cool breezes rustled leaves
and over all hung an aura of beauty and peace.
"Is this Heaven, too?" I asked.
"An honored place," he said, "for those who lived
a Hell on Earth - who died of neglect, torture,
unloved, unwanted and abandoned."
We walked on until we came to a precipice
that overlooked a dark canyon.
Lightning crashed above the horizon
and illuminated iron prisons on the desert floor.
I heard the wails of captive men,
the screams of women imploring for water,
railing against the absence of Light amidst an acrid smoke.
Before I could ask he answered, "These were their tormentors."
We continued solemnly
until the sound of laughter and music greeted us,
and we came upon a village square,
where carefree women, children and men played at games,
or walked arm in arm.
"They are happy," I said.
He agreed and replied, "These were their rescuers.
They are blessed above all."
I spent time among them until I awoke, bathed in a new peace.
For no matter what this Earthly day may bring,
I knew that no wrongful deed goes unpunished,
nor is any saving grace without its reward.
I hugged my small dog closer to my chest
and blessed him as a messenger of truth and love.
Visit the Tiergarten Sanctuary here for
more poetry by Jim Willis.

AD (attention deficit)
ARB (ace refrigerator bandit)
BW (butt wagger)
BWX (butt wagger excellent)
CC (cat - courser)
CCX (cat - courser excellent)
CP (couch potato)
CPX (couch potato excellent)
CSX (counter surfer extraordinaire)
GFIY (go fetch it yourself)
HHP (House Hold Pet)
IDDI (I didn't do it)
ILF (I like food)
ILLF (I like lots of food)
IWFF (I work for food)
LD (lap dog)
LDX (lap dog excellent)
OWTH (Oh, What The Heck)
TBF (thick but friendly)
TGS (terribly good snorer)
TGAN (terribly good at nothing)
TSIM (that seat is mine)
TTIM (that toy is mine)
UNCD (under the covers dog)
UNCDX (under the covers dog excellent )
WM (who me?)

Pet dogs shed...show dogs blow coat.
Pet dogs are in heat...show dogs come into season
Pet dogs trot...show dogs gait
Pet dogs stand...show dogs stack
Pet dogs get a bath...show dogs are groomed
Pet dogs beg for treats...show dogs bait
Pet dogs raid the garbage...obedience dogs show a natural tendency for scent articles
Pet dogs jump the fence...obedience dogs demonstrate natural jumping ability
Pet dogs poop...obedience dogs do their business
Pet dogs bark at other dogs...obedience dogs show excitement
