It is the intent of the Löwchen Breeders pages to put prospective puppy buyers in contact with breeders of Löwchen puppies. We are not responsible for the actions of any of the breeders listed, nor can we guarantee the quality of a puppy from any of these breeders. Each breeder has his or her own contract, guarantees, policies and practices. We do not receive any compensation from any breeders listed here for inclusion on this site. As with all purchases, "Let the Buyer Beware". It is your responsibility to learn about the breed, its good points and problems, then interview each breeder as an informed buyer!
We have endeavoured to list ETHICAL BREEDERS throughout the world, and have the right to deny any breeder inclusion on this site. Those who have knowingly sold to pet shops or have been linked to PUPPY MILLS are definitely NOT included. If a breeder has been listed and is found to have dealt knowingly with pet shops or puppy mill dealers they will be removed from the site immediately!
Before contacting any breeder, go here to read these excellent articles