TIP: For "snow nose" or lightening of pigment
give the following once daily:
1 x 500g PABA,
1 x 250g Vitamin C
1 Fefol tablet Click HERE
for more information on Snow Nose (or Winter
Nose) TIP:
An easy way to get out burdocks (burrs) is to crush them with a pair of pliers and
it will break the hold so you can brush it right out. - From Sandy Mack
Brushing out a burr is not always possible, but there is another way, as opposed to just hacking it out in a chunk. It still cuts it out, but in a less traumatic way for your dog's coat.
Take a sewing seam ripper, and pick the hairs around the burr until it can be pulled out.
To prevent burrs from becoming encased again, a spritz with mink-oil conditioner will keep his coat nice and slippery, and any burrs will brush out easily. You can buy mink-oil conditioner from most groomers.
Chewing Gum
For gum stuck just on top of the coat, use ice cubes to freeze it first, then you can either break it off, or lift it off gently.
If the gum has been rubbed right in, a good solvent will remove it better than anything. Peanut butter works for this rather well.
For gum stuck in the hairs between his toes, it is best to just cut it off carefully, and keep those hairs trimmed to avoid further mishaps.
TIP: Coat Shine
½ cup Vinegar to a quart of water sprayed onto the coat of a dog works like a vinegar hair rinse. Their coats gleam! An extremely economical alternative to expensive show shine products.
TIP: Damaged Dry Hair
A nourishing conditioner for dry or damaged hair which can be used for all hair types: Separate the white of an egg from the yolk, whip it to a peak. Add 1 Tablespoon of water to the yolk and blend until the mixture is creamy. Then mix the white and yolk together. Wet your hair with warm water, remove the excess moisture, and apply the mixture to your scalp with your fingertips. Massage gently until the froth is worked into your scalp, then rinse the hair with cool water. Keep applying the mixture until it is used up and then rinsed until all of the egg is washed away.
TIP: Dandruff
Vinegar is poured into the hair, massaged into the scalp, and left to dry for a few minutes. Then the hair is washed. The process is repeated daily until the dandruff disappears, usually within a few days.
TIP: Dry Skin
A simple way to treat dry skin is to add a complete oil to your pet's diet. Corn, safflower, peanut, and sunflower are examples of oils that contain all the essential fatty acids. Your cat can take about one-half teaspoon with each meal. Dogs can be given one to three teaspoons with each meal, depending on size. But remember that more is not better since oils are quite fattening.
TIP: Dry Skin Shampoo
Several people have reported using this with great success on dogs with dry, scratchy skin and for other skin problems that required frequent baths.
1/3 Cup Glycerin
1 Cup Lemon Liquid Joy
1 Cup White Vinegar
1 Quart of Water
Mix in a bottle or an old large shampoo bottle. If you make up the solution in advance, be sure to shake it up before use to make sure the
glycerine is mixed thoroughly.
TIP: Ear Mites
An oil and vitamin E mixture can help to smother the little buggers that have taken up residence in your pet's ears. Blend one-half ounce of almond or olive oil and 400
I.U. of vitamin E (from a capsule) in a dropper bottle and then warm the mixture to body temperature by immersing it in hot water.
To administer the drops, hold your pet's ear flap up and put about half a
dropper-ful in the ear. Then massage the ear canal well enough so that you hear a fluid sound. Once you've massaged the area for about a minute, you can let your pet shake her head. After she's finished, gently clean out just the opening of the ear with a cotton swab to remove any extra oil or debris. You should apply the oil in three treatments, once every other day during a
six day period. Make sure to store the mixture at room temperature with the lid tightly capped.
TIP: Ear Scratching
Keep dogs from scratching their ears - with a clean, soft cloth dipped in diluted vinegar wipe around the area that is being scratched.
TIP: Eliminate Ear Mites
All it takes is a few drops of Wesson corn oil in your cat's ear. Massage it in, then clean with a cotton ball. Repeat daily for 3 days. The oil soothes the cat's skin, smothers the mites, and accelerates healing.
Hair Brushes
A refreshing bath for hair brushes consisting of a basin full of
warm water, 1 tablespoon of soap or detergent and ½ cup of Borax
will clean brushes and leave them smelling sweet and fresh. Swish
brushes in the sudsy water, rinse and let dry.
Removing Hair in Ears
Pulling a few hairs at a time is less painful and prevents trauma to the ear
TIP: Hot Spots
Hot spots can lead to serious illness in dogs. They can be caused by allergies to chemicals, food, fleas and other substances, but fleas seem to be a primary source. This recipe has proven effective for many dogs suffering from Hot Spots.
3 capsules Sage
¼ tsp. Epsom Salts
2 cups of Water
Combine all ingredients and bring this all to a boil.
Cool to room temperature and then strain out the powdered Sage.
Store in a 2-cup spray bottle or jar in the refrigerator to keep fresh.
Spray or wipe on hot spots, insect bites, or any other skin abrasions as many times a day as possible.
It heals in about 3 days, and you should begin to see some hair regrowth in a little over a week.
TIP: Insect bites
Mix water with cornstarch into a paste and apply. This is effective in drawing out the poisons of most insect bites and is also an effective remedy for diaper rash.
TIP: Kills fleas instantly
Dawn dishwashing liquid does the trick. Add a few drops to your dog's bath and shampoo the animal thoroughly. Rinse well to avoid skin irritations. Goodbye fleas.
TIP: Paint in Fur
Water soluble paints like latex should be washed out of the fur immediately using warm, soapy water.
Do NOT use Turpentine or
Varsol, and do not allow your dog to chew it out.
Top Knots and Pony Tails
Pony tails are great with long haired breeds, to keep the hair from falling in the eyes. Be very careful though, as if you plan to show your dog, you do not want breakage. Braids are a great way to keep your dogs hair out of his eyes, without breakage.
You Can Help Your Groomer Help Your Dog Tips from Doggie Manners
HANDLING: While you are at home, you can handle your dog as your groomer would during grooming. Choose a quiet time and a quiet place, and give her treats during this whole process. Begin by just touching all parts of her body as if your are giving her an all-over body massage. Scratch her tummy, under her chin, and behind her ears. Pet her with long, gentle strokes.
As she becomes comfortable with that, touch her ears, look inside her ears, stroke her muzzle. Pick up her paws, run your hands down her legs, gently squeeze her feet, toes, and tail.
CLIPPING NAILS: Some dogs do not like having their nails clipped. Take some wooden matchsticks, and cut the matchsticks to get your dog used to the sound, giving her a treat with each cut. Handle your dog’s feet several times a day, giving her a scrumptious treat as you touch them. Then take the nail clipper out and put it on the floor near your dog. Give her a treat every time she looks at the clipper. Pick it up and slowly bring it closer to her giving her treats the whole time.
Hold your dog‘s foot and put the matchstick underneath her foot and cut the matchstick. When she gets used to this, then put the clipper to her nails and pretend to cut them.
THE SOUNDS: The two sounds to get her used to are the sounds of the hair clippers and the dryer. Begin with the dryer. Put the dryer several feet from her. Turn it on and off very quickly. Toss her a treat every time it is on. As she acclimates to the sound, leave it on for a few more seconds and gradually it move closer to her. Remember the treats! When you finally get close to her, let it blow on the least sensitive part of her body and give her a treat. Leave it on for longer periods. When she is used to the dryer, repeat the entire process again with an electric razor or other appliance that simulates the sound of hair clippers.
THE TABLE: Get her used to being on a raised surface. Several times a day, pick her up and place her on a table, a countertop, your washer or dryer, or some other raised surface on top of which you have put a rubber mat.
THE CRATE: Make her want to go into the crate. Put her favourite toys in the crate and close the door so she is outside and the toys are inside next to the door. Now she wants to go into the crate to get her toys. Open the door and let her in to get them. Leave the door open. Gradually put them further back so she has to go further inside to get them. Do the same thing with her food, and put her dish further back. Begin swinging the door while she is eating. As she gets accustomed to the noise, then close it for just a short period of time. Slowly lengthen the time the door is closed.