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This is a list of Deities of core Dungeons & Dragons

Generic (Greyhawk) Powers |
Greater Powers |
- Boccob, god of magic, arcane knowledge, balance and foresight
- Corellon Larethian, god of elves (also a demihuman power)
- Garl Glittergold, god of gnomes (also a demihuman power)
- Gruumsh, god of orcs (also a demihuman and monster power)
- Moradin, god of dwarves (also a demihuman power)
- Nerull, god of death, darkness, murder and the underworld
- Pelor, god of sun, light, strength and healing
- Yondalla, goddess of halflings (also a demihuman power)
Intermediate Powers |
- Ehlonna, goddess of forests, woodlands, flora & fauna and fertility
- Erythnul, god of hate, envy, malice, panic, ugliness and slaughter
- Fharlanghn, god of horizons, distance, travel and roads
- Heironeous, god of chivalry, justice, honor, war, daring and valor
- Hextor, god of war, discord, massacres, conflict, fitness, tyranny
- Kord, god of athletics, sports, brawling, strength and courage
- Obad-Hai, god of nature, woodlands, freedom, hunting and beasts
- Olidammara, god of music, revels, wine, rogues, humor and tricks
- St. Cuthbert, god of common sense, wisdom, zeal, honesty,
& truth
- Wee Jas, goddess of magic, death, vanity and law
Lesser Powers |
Demihuman Powers |
Demihuman Powers |
- Abbathor, intermediate god of greed
- Berronar Truesilver, intermediate goddess of safety, truth, home and healing
- Clangeddin Silverbeard, intermediate god of battle and war
- Dugmaren Brightmantle, lesser god of scholarship, discovery and invention
- Dumathoin, intermediate god of exploration and mining
- Gendwar Argrim, hero-god of fatalism and obsession
- Muamman Duathal, lesser god of expatriates, urban dwarves, travellers and exiles
- Vergadain, intermediate god of wealth and luck
Elven Powers |
- Aerdrie Faenya, intermediate goddess of air, weather, avians, rain and fertility
- Deep Sashelas, intermediate god of aquatic elves, oceans, knowledge, beauty and water magic
- Erevan Ilesere, intermediate god of mischief, change and rogues
- Fenmarel Mestarine, lesser deity of wild elves, outcasts, scapegoats and isolation
- Gadhelyn, hero-god of independence, outlawry, feasting and hunting
- Halani Celanil, intermediate goddess of love, romance, beauty, fine art and artists
- Labelas Enoreth, intermediate god of time, longevity and history
- Rillifane Rallathil, intermediate god of wood elves, woodlands, nature and druids
- Sehanine Moonbow, intermediate goddess of mysticism, dreams, far journeys, death, full moons and
- Solonor Thelandira, intermediate god of archery, hunting and wilderness survival
- Ye'Cind, demigod of music and magical songs
Gnome Powers |
- Baervan Wildwanderer, intermediate god of forests, nature and travel
- Baravar Cloakshadow, lesser god of illusions, protection, deception and hatred of goblinoids
- Callarduran Smoothhands, intermediate god of svirfneblin, protection, earth and mining
- Flandal Steelskin, intermediate god of mining, smithing and fitness
- Gaerdal Ironhand, god of protection, vigilance and combat
- Roykyn, hero-goddess of cruelty
- Segojan Earthcaller, intermediate god of earth and nature
- Urdlen, intermediate god of greed, bloodlust, evil, hatred and blind destruction
Halfling Powers |
- Arvoreen, intermediate goddess of protection, vigilance and war
- Brandobaris, lesser god of stealth, thieves and adventuring
- Charmalaine, hero-god of keen senses and narrow escapes
- Cyrrollalee, intermediate goddess of friendship, trust and home
- Sheela Peryroyl, intermediate goddess of nature, agriculture and weather
- Urogalan, demigod of earth, death and protection of the dead
Monster Powers
Major Generic Monster Powers |
- Annam, god of giants and giant kin
- Bahamut, god of good dragons
- Blibdoolpoolp, goddess of kuo-toa
- Diirinka, god of derro
- Eadro, god of merfolk and locathah
- Gruumsh, god of orcs
- Hruggek, god of bugbears
- Ilsensine, god of illithids
- Jubilex, demon prince
- Kurtulmak, god of kobolds
- Laduguer, god of duergar dwarves
- Loagzed, god of troglodytes
- Lolth, goddess of drow
- Maglubiyet, god of goblins and goblinoids
- Merrshaulk, god of yuan-ti
- Orcus, demon prince
- Sekolah, god of sahuagin
- Semuanya, god of lizardfolk
- Shekinester, goddess of naga
- Skerrit, god of centaurs
- Stronmaus, god of storm and cloud giants, sun, sky, weather and joy
- Tiamat, god of evil dragons
- Vaprak, demon lord and god of ogres, and enemy of Annam
- Yeenoghu, demon prince and god of gnolls
Minor Generic Monster Powers |
- Aasterinian, dragon goddess of play, invention and pleasure
- Bagrivyek, goblin god of cooperation and territory
- Bahgtru, orc god of strength and stupidity
- Chronepsis, dragon god of fate, death and judgement
- Doresain, demi-god of ghouls and necromancy
- Falazure, dragon god of energy draining, undeath, decay and exhaustion
- Gaknulak, kobold demigod of protection, stealth, trickery and traps
- Grankhul, bugbear god of hunting, senses, surprise and stealth
- Great Mother, goddess of beholders, magic, fertility and tyranny
- Grolantor, god of hill giants, ettins, ogres, hunting and combat
- Hiatea, god of giants, females, nature, agriculture, hunting and childbirth
- Iallanis, god of good giants, love, mercy and beauty
- Ilneval, orc god of warfare and leadership
- Io, god of dragons of all alignments
- Karontor, god of formorians and other misshapen giants, deformity, hatred and beasts
- Kiaransalee, demigoddess of drow, slavery, vengeance and undeath
- Khurgorbaeyag, goblin god of slavery, oppression and morale
- Luthic, goddess of female orcs, fertility, medicine, healing, servitude, caves and homes
- Memnor, intermediate god of evil cloud giants, pride, mental prowess and control
- Nomog-Geaya, god of hobgoblins, war and authority
- Panzuriel, intermediate god of evil aquatic creatures, murder, confusion and subversion
- Raxivort, god of xvarts, rats, wererats and bats
- Shargaas, orc god of darkness, thieves, stealth, night and undead
- Sixin, god of xill, war, intrigue and deception
- Skoraeus Stonebones, god of stone giants
- Squerrik, god of wererats, thievery, disguise and concealment
- Surtr, intermediate god of fire giants
- Thrym, intermediate god of frost giants, cold, ice and magic
- Vhaeraun, god of drow males, thievery and evil surface activity
- Yurtrus, orc god of death and disease
- Zinzerena, demigoddess of drow, deception, humiliation, ambush and assassination

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