Indian Girls Names

Habiba |
beloved |
Hafiza |
protected |
Harimanti |
born in the season
of Hemanta |
Haimavati |
Parvati, Lord
Shiva's wife |
Hanima |
a wave |
Hansa |
swan |
Hansanandini |
daughter of a swan |
Hansaveni |
another name for
Saraswathi |
Hansika |
swan |
Hansini |
swan |
Hariganga |
Ganga of Vishnu |
Harijatha |
fair haired |
Harinakshi |
doe-eyed |
Harini |
deer |
Haripriya |
consort of Lord
Vishnu; Lakshmi |
Harita |
green |
Harithi |
green |
Harmya |
palace |
Harsha |
happiness |
Harshada |
giver of joy |
Harshitha |
full of joy |
Harshini |
joyous |
Hasanthi |
one that delights |
Hasika |
smiling |
Hasina |
beautiful |
Hasita |
happy |
Hasna |
laughing |
Hasumati |
happy |
Hatisha |
with no desire |
Heera |
diamond |
Hema |
golden |
Hemakshi |
golden eyed |
Hemangi |
golden bodied |
Hemanti |
early winter |
Hemlata |
golden creeper |
Hemanya |
golden bodied |
Hemavati |
golden Parvati |
Hena |
a flower |
Henna |
Mehendi |
Hetal |
friendly |
Hima |
snow |
Himani |
snow |
Hina |
fragrance |
Hindola |
a raga |
Hiral |
lustrous |
Hiranya |
golden |
Hiranyadha |
giving gold |
Hiranmayi |
golden |
Hirkani |
small diamond |
Hiya |
heart |
Holika |
lighting of
ceremonial fire |
Hoor |
a celestial |
Hradha |
lake |
Husna |
beautiful |
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