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Monster Encyclopedia - E
each usige Much like the Kelpie and the Brag, these Celtic water horses found in the Scottish Highlands and in some parts of Ireland do not like humans. Unlike the Kelpie, the each uisge prefers lochs and sea inlets. The each uisge takes the appearance of a beautiful horse and beckons for a traveler to mount. If he does, he will be taken on a wild ride ending up underwater, where he will drown and be devoured by the each uisge. echinda Born of Gæa and Tartarus, she was a beautiful woman from the waist up, but a horrible serpent below. With her husband Typhon, she mothered many beasts that were equally horrible:Cerberus, Orthus, the Hydra, the harpies, Chimera and the gryphon vulture that ate Prometheus' liver. It is said that she also mothered the Sphinx with her son Orthus. Eventually, she was killed by Argus Panoptes. eight-forked serpent of koshi The Eight-Forked Serpent of Koshi is an enormous Japanese serpent with eight heads and eight tails, each head having two red eyes. It was large enough to cover eight hills and valleys. Trees, moss and other vegetation grew on its head and back, and it liked to eat young maidens. It would eat one princess every year for seven years. When it tried to eat the eighth princess, it was slaughtered by a knight. The knight built a huge circular enclosure with eight gates and at each gate a platform. At each gate he placed a tub of rice beer. The serpent drank the beer and soon became drunk and fell asleep. While asleep, the knight cut off each of the serpent's nine heads. In the serpent's tail the knight found a sword that is still on display in the temple of Atsuta. Japanese currency commemorates the killing of this serpent. ellyllon The Ellyllon are benevolent Welsh elves. They are much like brownies as they will help out with household chores. Also like the brownies, they will leave the house if they are offended, or if their privacy is invaded. empusae The empusae are cannibalistic female monsters and have sometimes been confused with the lamia. They are half-ass and half-human, but could change themselves into bitches, cows or beautiful maidens. In these shapes they would lure travelers to themselves and would then devour them. Sometimes they are depicted as blood-sucking vampire-like creatures. ericthonius Erichthonius was the monster child of the Greek god Hephæstus and the Greek goddess Gæa. He was half-human and half-serpent. He was abandoned by Gæa and was taken up by another goddess, Athena. She placed Erichthonius in a chest and gave it to the three daughters of the king of Athens. They were instructed not to open the chest, but out of curiosity, they opened the chest. When they saw the horrible child, they became mad with terror and threw themselves off the Acropolis. After all of this, Athena reared the child herself. Some say that Erichthonius had the ability to restore life because Athena gave him drops of blood from the gorgon, Medusa. Despite his monstrous form, Erichthonius became the king of Athens. The temple Erichthius on the Athenian Acropolis is named for this King. erlking Erlking is a Germanic goblin who is King of the dwarves. He lures humans, especially children, to the forest and kills them. erynnes The name Erinyes or Erinnyes means "angry ones". These are three female hag-like creatures who have the head of a dog, snakes for hair and bat wings. They are often depicted as carrying a torch or a whip. They were also known in Greek myth as the Furies. There are two possible origins for the Furies. In one account, they spring from the blood of the castrated Uranus. In another version, they are mothered by Gæa with air and bad human emotions. Either way, their purpose is the same: to pursue and torment guilty people. They chase them and cause horrible deaths. Because of this, they cannot die while sin exists. The three Furies are named Alecto, Tisiphone, Megaera. Sometimes the Erynnyes are called Eumenides which means "kindly ones" as it is bad luck to say their real name.
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