Cut a lemon into quarters and place in a pint jug. Cover the lemon with boiling water and let it steep overnight. Next day you have a flea repellent that you can use in a spray bottle. Spray all over your dog remembering especially behind the ears and around the head generally (careful of eyes), around the base of the tail (once again keep away from delicate bits) and under your dog’s ‘armpits’.
Aromatherapy repellent: Using 10 ml. of sweet almond oil as your base, add 10 drops of lavender and 5 drops of
cedarwood. Shake well and use 1 or 2 drops spread over the skin at least twice a week to keep the fleas away.
A flea collar can be made by rubbing a few drops of one of the following into an ordinary webbing or rope collar or even a doggy bandanna: eucalyptus oil, Tea Tree Oil, citronella, lavender or geranium. Don’t forget to do this weekly.
For the dogs (use it when you go out once a
day or if in the woods, more often).
Use a glycerine base and to it add, lemongrass oil, grapeseed oil, eucalyptus oil, citronella oil, and a capsule or two of
Vitamin E for
preservation. All the ingredients can be obtained at the Health Food Store locally.
Works on fleas, ticks, chiggers and black flies. |
Tick Spritzer Blend:
2 drops of Lavender, Basil, Lemon, Opponax, Eucalyptus
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon vodka
1 cup of dried marjoram, eucalyptus, rosemary
1 - 2 cups of water
Flea Spritzer Blend:
2 drops of cedarwood, lemongrass, rose geranium
1 teaspoon AVC (apple cider vinegar)
1 teaspoon vodka
1 cup of dried peppermint, eucalyptus, bay leaf herbs
1 - 2 cups of water
Add the essential oils and vodka in a bottle, tighten the lid and shake well. Once the mixture blended (should turn white), add apple cider vinegar. If you have some herbs mentioned above you can make an herbal tea to use in your
Boil 2-4 cups of water and remove from heat. Add your dried herbs in the water and let is simmer for 30 minutes. Once cool, drain and use instead of plain water in your
spritzer. If you are using an herbal tea, this mixture must be kept in the refrigerator as the herbal teas have the tendency to go bad faster.
Once you have your spritzer you can use this by gently spraying it in to your dogs coat, legs, tummy and back. Rub it in well and apply it as necessary. Do not use any of the essential oils on your dogs face or around nose, ears and eyes. Respect the sensitive nose he/she has and go easy when using aromatic substances such as essential oils.
Sevi Kay, Certified Aromatherapist, Botanical Dog Products Formulator
Fleas are nuisances for man and animal alike. This sinister pest hides within your pets' fur as well as in our carpets, parquet and window coverings. Prepare the following blend by pouring the following ingredients into a 1-oz spray bottle:
Fleas absolutely dislike mint! Spray the affected areas of your home. Don't forget your dog's bed. Spray directly onto your dog, holding the bottle about 10 inches from him. Avoid spraying on the head and eyes.
Check your home and pet for ticks - look in his bed, window coverings, walls, etc. Burn the
ticks you find to prevent them from coming back. Prepare the following blend by pouring the essential oils into a 10-ml bottle and adding organic vegetable oil to fill.
10 drops Tea Tree
10 drops Lavender
Apply 1 drop of Lavender and 1 drop of Tea Tree undiluted essential oils before extracting ticks from your pet. This will disinfect the inflamed area. It may sting a little bit (as alcohol would) but it works great!
2½ teaspoons total of any combination of the following essential oils (available at health food stores): basil, cedarwood, citronella, juniper, lemon, myrrh, palmarosa, pine, rose geranium and/or rosemary
1 cup 190-proof grain alcohol (available in liquor stores)
Place ingredients in a jar with a tight-fitting lid and shake vigorously. Transfer to small bottles for storage. To use, rub a small amount on any exposed skin (test first to be sure your skin will not be adversely affected by the repellent) or dab it on clothing.
Experiment a little to find which essential oils work best with your body chemistry. If you're lucky, you also will like the way they smell; otherwise, add a few drops of peppermint oil to fine-tune the fragrance.
½ tsp cinnamon or rosemary oil
½ tsp orange oil
½ tsp lemon grass oil
2 oz glycerine (available at most drug stores)
6 oz aloe vera juice
12 oz of a mild commercial human shampoo like Neutragena and Baby Shampoo or use Dr.Bronner’s Liquid Castile
soap (comes In non-scented, eucalyptus, lavender, and peppermint, any of these will do and are available at health food stores and some Drug stores.)
1 tsp of Skin So Soft (Avon - see below *) or Olive oil
1 lemon (squeezed all the juice and filter out the seeds and pulp)
Mix lemon juice, Skin So Soft (or Olive oil), and Aloe Vera Juice together in a glass quart jar.
In a ceramic or glass tea cup blend the oils separately into the glycerine. Stir slowly for about 1
- 2 minutes
Blend all of this together, mix well, and store in a recycled shampoo bottle.
Use this like you would any shampoo. Wet your pet’s coat, apply and massage well leaving on for 10 minutes for maximum effect, then rinse completely out of fur.
By Dr Ihor Basco, DVM
*Avon Skin-So-Soft: This product comes in lotion form and contains citronella oil. The bath oil received considerable media attention several years ago when some consumers reported it to be effective as a mosquito repellent. When tested under laboratory conditions against Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, this product's effective half-life was 30 minutes. Against Aedes albopictus, Skin-So-Soft oil provided 40 minutes of protection from bites, a duration 10 times less than that of 12.5% DEET.[vii]Avon now markets products under the Skin-So-Soft label that contain an EPA-recognized repellent.
- 1 part diatomaceous earth
- 2 parts feverfew flowers
- 2 parts mullein flowers
- 2 parts yarrow flowers, leaves, and stems
- 1 part sage or thyme
For the greatest potency, make only when needed. Grind the fresh ingredients in an electric coffee grinder or use a mortar and pestle. Sprinkle and brush into your pet's coat.
Fleas spend most of their time in your furnishings and only hop onto your dog or you for their next meal. Make sure you wash your dog’s bedding regularly because no flea ever survived a hot wash cycle. If you add eucalyptus oil to the final rinse it will also kill 99% of house dust mites according to research from the University of Sydney, Australia.
Vacuum your home very thoroughly and sprinkle a fine layer of ordinary table salt over your upholstery and carpets and leave overnight before vacuuming again to evict your unwelcome guests safely but don’t forget to empty your vacuum bag.
Garlic may not be your favourite cologne and it’s not the flea’s favourite smell either. When your dog eats garlic, the smell is excreted through the dog’s skin making your dog less likely to be the flea’s next meal. In case you think you might need to give your dog a breath freshener along with the garlic, my own dogs eat garlic every day and I don’t find their breath smells of garlic.
- Brewer’s yeast tablets will also help to make your dog less attractive to fleas because once again the smell is excreted through the skin.
- Adding a dessertspoon of
apple cider vinegar to the water bowl will make the skin more acidic and unpleasant to fleas and ticks. If your dogs don’t fancy apple cider vinegar in the water bowl, dilute it 50/50 with water and use in a spray bottle instead of the citrus repellent.
- 8 oz Water
- 4-6 Drops of Tea Tree Oil
- 4-6 Drops of Lavender Oil
This must be used each time your pet goes outdoors. It is not residual. Mix and place in a spray bottle and keep by the door to spritz as you or your pet go outside to deter fleas and mosquitos. Lightly spray bedding and outdoor kennels to deter fleas and mosquitos. |
Pour a small amount of Dawn dishwashing liquid or dog flea shampoo in a pie tin, add water to just below the rim and set it on the floor on a white (important that its white) towel or folded sheet. Use a desk lamp with a flexible neck and set it next to the tin and aim the light into the pan. Turn off the other lights in the room.
For some reason this attracts fleas (and flies) and they jump into the liquid and drown.
This is great when you can't spray or use chemicals in the house. |
Mix and place in a spray bottle, keep by the door to spritz as you or your pet go outside to deter fleas and mosquitoes. Lightly spray bedding and outdoor kennels to deter fleas and mosquitoes. |
- 2 oz Sunshine Concentrate
- 2 oz Water
- 4 drops Tea Tree Oil
Mix and keep in a "shampoo bottle". This "shampoo" is great for removing fleas, freshening the smell of the dog and it does not irritate sensitive skin. |
2 oz Oatmeal Shampoo
- 2 oz Water
- 4 Drops Tea Tree Oil
Mix and keep in a spray bottle. This spray is great for removing fleas, freshening the smell of the dog and it does not irritate sensitive skin. |
Use a large spray bottle and add about 10 drops each of the following essential oils:
- Tea Tree
- Lemon grass
- Tangerine
- Peppermint
- Citronella
- Cedar
- Lavender
- Eucalyptus
- Bay oil
Then fill the bottle with distilled water (doesn't go rancid as fast). Each time you apply, shake the bottle well and then douse her/him in it...all over...feet, behind, back of ears...all the places that fleas tend to congregate! Then I rub it in well. It is great for her coat and smells wonderful. |
If applying this as a spritz (in water) shake vigorously before use. The minute dilution of citrus essential oils in this blend should not cause any noticeable photosensitivity (more a risk with the application of larger amounts directly to the skin) but it might be wise to wear a sunscreen or reduce sun exposure. Your pooch should be fine, as his fur coat has a high SPF!
This blend has incredible deodorizing properties as well, so is perfect for wet-dog and stinky dog syndrome, or to spray in your car, tent or home to reduce the prevalence of doggie
odour. A few drops added to a natural shampoo or castile soap makes for one fresh dog when dry, too. |
(For Dog only): Thinly slice a whole lemon, including the peel. Add it to 1 pint of near-boiling water and let steep overnight. The next day, sponge the solution onto the animal's skin & let it dry. Also a
Flea and Mosquito repellent Avon's SSS Oil used in a final water rinse. |
A badly infested dog really needs to be bathed so use your favourite dog shampoo. Rinse the dog off very thoroughly and in the final rinse add a couple of drops of Tea Tree Oil or Lavender oil. An alternative is to make your own herbal flea dip which will also work on ticks. Steep two cups of fresh rosemary in two pints of boiling water for 30 minutes. Strain the liquid, discard the leaves and make it up to one gallon ( 8 pints) with warm water. Pour this mixture over the dog until it’s saturated. Do not rinse off and allow the dog to dry naturally so this is a remedy to use on hot summer days. |
Four parts glycerine
4 parts alcohol
1 part eucalyptus oil
Or make a solution of equal parts of isopropyl alcohol and methyl phthalate. |
- 1 cup lemon scented dish soap
- 1 cup lemon scented ammonia
Set hose end sprayer to 20 gallons, spray three times a week. Avoid smelling ammonia fumes. |
Tea Tree Oil is excellent to use as a rinse after bathing. Mix one half teaspoon to a pint of water, rinse with it, and leave on. It is made from the
melaleuca tree, and besides being a natural skin softener, it has antibacterial and anti-yeast properties. |
Using 10 ml. of sweet almond oil as your base, add 10 drops of lavender and 5 drops of cedarwood. Shake well and use 1 or 2 drops spread over the skin at least twice a week to keep the fleas away. |
Tea Tree Oil
Rosemary Oil
Sage Oil
Cedarwood Oil
Peppermint Oil
Sweet Orange Oil
Eucalyptus Oil
Citronella Oil
Pine Needle Oil
Mix 3 drops of each with 16 oz water in a spray bottle. Shake before
each application and spray over entire body, repeat as needed. Simple, safe and natural! |
- 2 tablespoons vinegar
- 2 tablespoons canola oil
- 2 tablespoons Murphy's oils soap
- 3 tablespoons baking soda
Add all ingredients to 2 gallons of warm water; combine in a handheld sprayer and mist-spray your plants until they are dripping wet. Best done in the early evening to avoid burning leaves. |
A good soap for washing the family dog, which will help to control parasites, can be made by first melting 100 grams of petroleum jelly in a double boiler over a medium heat. When melted, stir in 80 grams of beeswax and 300 grams of grated, pure soap, stirring until completely dissolved. Remove from heat and immediately stir in 125 millilitres of methylated spirits and 1 teaspoon of eucalyptus oil. Pour into suitable moulds and leave until the soap until it has hardened. It can then be used straight away. |
Thousands of canines suffer from arthritis and sore muscles. Whether your dog is old or young, a working dog or a lazy one, he/she can always benefit from a delightful massage. Massage is a great way to connect with your pooch and it helps build a lasting bond! Here is a recipe for massage oil that can help soothe sore muscles and ease inflamed joints.
To use: massage directly into inflamed joints and stiff muscles. Store in a cool dark place or in the refrigerator. |
Natural Flea Control Products
Go HERE to read about active ingredients
of the spot-on type flea treatments!!!!
Pyrethrins are insecticides derived from the chrysanthemum plant. They are common ingredients of flea control products and have excellent "knockdown" properties against fleas. They are neurotoxic at high levels, and may cause excessive salivation, vomiting, difficulty breathing, muscle tremors, depression, and ataxia (wobbling). Cats may develop excessive salivation, contractions of superficial muscles (ear flicking, paw shaking) or the signs mentioned above. However, the products are considered fairly safe when applied properly. Apply sparingly.
Rotenone is an insecticide derived from the root of Derris ellipta. It is used in shampoos, sprays, and rinses. Rotenone is quite toxic to fish and small mammals (e.g., guinea pigs), therefore caution should be exercised when applying this agent around those animals. The compound rapidly decomposes upon exposure to light and air, however ingestion by dogs or cats may result in vomiting.
Citrus fruit derivatives: D-limonene is the most commonly used derivative of citrus fruits. This substance is a volatile oil that has moderately good knockdown properties, but is fairly mild. The main advantage of this product is a high margin of safety, making it a good product for application on kittens and puppies, as well as in households with infants. Citrus derivatives are available as shampoos and rinses.
Thiamine (Vitamin B1) has been often discussed, but has not been shown to be an effective flea control agent when administered orally. I'm sure some people will disagree but the scientific evidence suggests there is little value in giving your pet thiamine for flea repellent effects.
Avon's Skin-So-Soft®: Skin-So-Soft has been shown to partially repel fleas when topically applied at a concentration of 1.5 ounces of SSS per gallon of water. The repellent effect is not complete, but significantly fewer fleas were found on dogs treated with SSS vs. water in one controlled study. The effects seem to last at least 8 days. No toxic effects of the treatment were observed in the study, however long-term effects have not been studied.
Melaleuca oil is derived from the Australian tea-tree, Melaleuca alternifolia. It does have antibacterial and antifungal properties and has been used for those purposes topically on dogs and cats. Inappropriate application of products not intended for topical use may result in toxicity, with animals showing signs of incoordination, weakness, tremors, and depression. The efficacy of this agent to repel or kill fleas has not been established at this time.
Garlic has not been shown to consistently repel fleas (despite the evidence that garlic has many beneficial effects in humans).
Cedar chips or wood may have some repellent properties, however my personal experiences suggest it is nether complete nor consistent.
Pennyroyal oil is derived from the leaves and flowers of the pennyroyal, squaw mint, or mosquito plants. Pennyroyal oil contains a volatile compound called pulegone, which is responsible for the toxic effects of the plants. Historically, the plant has been used as an abortifacient in folklore medicine and is used as a component of fragrances. The product is used for flea control and is available in flea shampoos, powders, and as pennyroyal oil. The effectiveness of the compound is unclear, however the toxicity is clear. Exposure to pennyroyal oil may induce depression, vomiting, hepatic necrosis,
diarrhoea, epistaxis (nose bleeds), seizures, and death. Toxicity is dose-related and the possibility of severe signs is more likely if the pure oil is applied to the pet.
Diatomaceous earth: Diatomaceous earth is a desiccant (drying agent) (See Treatment of the House) and also works as a chaffing agent to fleas. It may be spread in an environment to help reduce the humidity in carpet. Diatomaceous earth is available at stores catering to health or natural foods/products. Its effectiveness is variable. The product may be toxic to humans, since it contains a significant percentage of silica, and silica can cause lung disease in humans if inhaled. An alternative to the application of diatomaceous earth is the application of the borates.
Biologic control using the nematode Steinernema carpocapsa is based on the fact that these nematodes
parasitise the flea (and other insects) larvae and result in their destruction. The nematodes are applied as a spray to the ground. Application of the nematodes must be periodically repeated. This product is best suited for situations where the pet spends a high percentage of time outdoors and the product is applied to shaded areas. The full effects of this treatment on other insects (both beneficial and harmful) are unknown. This form of treatment would only be one part of a larger flea control program.

What Oils Can Be Used?
ROMAN CHAMOMILE (Anthemis) - The most effective essential oil for taking the "fire" and itch out of "hot spots" and other skin eruptions. It calms inflamed skin areas and is safe to use on dogs. Chamomile is used extensively in Europe for the skin and hair. (Flower)
LAVENDER (Lavendula augustifolium) - Lavender is highly effective at soothing and healing irritated skin. It is known as the universal oil because of its many uses. Lavender is antiseptic. (Flower)
PATCHOULI (Pogostemon patchouli) - Patchouli has nourishing and rejuvenating properties for the skin. (Herb)
BASIL (Ocimum basilicum) - The "holy herb" in Indian Ayurvedic medicine. Basil is healing and revitalizing. (Herb)
ORANGE, GRAPEFRUIT, LEMON & LIME OILS - These oils are derived from the peels of these citrus fruits. These peels contain d-Limonene, which is lethal to fleas but safe for dogs. (The peel)
SANDALWOOD (Santalum album) - This ancient oil is moisturizing to skin that balances the astringent qualities in the citrus oils. (The tree)
TEA TREE (Melaleuca alternifolia) - Tea tree oil is antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic, which means that it kills bacteria that can cause staph infections and kills fungi that grow on certain dog's skin types (such as Shar Peis, Pugs & Bull dogs). Soothes insect bites and some other skin irritations. A little tea tree goes a long way. Like every other essential oil, with the exception of lavender, do not apply tea tree neat directly to skin. In its concentrated form, and without a being in a carrier oil base, this oil can burn the skin. (The tree leaf)
CEDARWOOD - This oil cleanses the skin.
Oil NOT to Use
PENNYROYAL - Pennyroyal is an effective flea killer, but it can cause liver damage and even death in dogs. It is toxic to some dogs.
ROSEMARY - Some animals have an adverse reaction due to sensitivity to Rosemary. It is also not advisable to use around pregnant pets.
RUE & WORMWOOD - These are sometimes used in "natural" pet products. For us because of potentially dangerous effects these oils are too risky to experiment with or use. Rue is sometimes found in flea and tick products, and wormwood is sometimes found in de-worming treatments. |

Every summer the fleas return, hitching a ride indoors on your unsuspecting pet. Try these non-toxic ways to take back your home from those little bloodsuckers.
Step One:
Vacuum all carpets and furniture at least twice a week, even before you spot a flea. Physical removal of the eggs, larvae and adult insects is the safest way to keep flea populations under control.
Step 2:
Pay special attention to high-traffic areas, such as stairs and those places where your pet spends a lot of time--for example, next to the bed or under a favorite chair.
Step 3:
Empty, dispose of, or seal off the vacuum bag every time you vacuum. Adult fleas can easily crawl back out.
Step 4:
Wash area rugs and floor mats regularly with hot water or in the washing machine. Dry each thoroughly to avoid creating a perfectly humid breeding ground for the prolific bugs.
Step 5:
Make your own flea remedy by mixing 3 cups diatomaceous earth (DE) for every 1/2 cups boric acid. Sprinkle the powder lightly, yet thoroughly over carpet, under beds and in closets while wearing a safety mask to avoid inhaling the dust. With a broom, work the granules deeply into the carpet. Vacuum after two days.
Step 6:
Try an alternative recipe using 8 parts cleaning powder to 1 part table salt. Follow the above procedure, except you should vacuum after 1 week. These powders work by drying out the fleas' habitat and dehydrating both the larvae and adults.
Step 7:
Sprinkle DE in pet runs and shady areas in the yard where pets frequent to keep outdoor populations down. Fleas can only survive in moist, shady areas, so there is no need to apply the powder in places hit by direct sunlight.
Step 8:
Introduce the beneficial nematode Steinernema carpocapsa to your yard by using a spray available for purchase at your garden store or online. These tiny parasitic worms feed on and destroy flea larvae. Again spray only in shady areas. Reapply if further infestation occurs.
Tips & Warnings
- To avoid frequent infestations, both home and pets must be treated simultaneously. Start your pet on a natural flea control program now.
- Flea bombs and house sprays with the natural toxin pyrethrin do exist. When used properly they are considered safe and effective, but these products are toxic and should be used only as a last resort.
- Although not poisonous, the powders should not be applied while pets or infants are present, nor should small children be allowed to play on the carpets until after the residual dust has been vacuumed up.
- Extra caution should always be applied when using any pest control measure in households where children, elderly people or persons with a history of respiratory illness reside.


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