Name |
Origin |
Meaning |
Cadence |
Latin |
melodious, to fall |
Cadrian |
Caelyn |
loved forever |
Cai |
Vietnamese |
Cailey |
Caimile |
African |
name from a proverb |
Caitlin |
Celtic, Welsh |
pure |
Cala |
Arabic |
castle |
Calandra |
Greek |
lark |
Calantha |
Greek |
beautiful blossoms |
Caleb |
Hebrew |
bold, dog |
Caledonia |
Latin |
from Scotland |
Calendre |
Greek |
Caley |
Gaelic |
Slender |
Calida |
Latin, Spanish |
ardent, warm and loving |
Calista |
Greek |
most beautiful |
Callan |
German |
chatter |
Callia |
Greek |
beautiful |
Callidora |
Greek |
gift of beauty |
Calliope |
Greek |
beautiful voice |
Caltha |
Latin |
yellow flower |
Calvin |
Latin |
bald |
Calypso |
Greek |
concealer |
Cam |
Vietnamese, English |
orange fruit; sweet, beloved; referring to the sun |
Camelai |
Latin |
flower name |
Cameron |
Old English |
bent nose |
Camille |
Latin |
attendant at a religious ceremony |
Canace |
Greek |
child of the wind |
Candace |
Greek |
white-hot, glowing, glittering |
Candida |
Latin |
white, pure |
Candra |
Latin |
luminescent |
Cantara |
Arabic |
small bridge |
Caoimhe |
Celtic |
gentleness, beauty, grace |
Capri |
Anglo-Saxon |
the goat |
Caprice |
Italian |
fanciful, unpredictable |
Cara |
Latin, Vietnamese |
dear, diamond |
Caradoc |
Welsh |
amiable |
Carajean |
sweet melody |
Caresse |
French |
beloved |
Carew |
Latin |
run |
Carha |
Latin |
a pillar stone |
Cari |
Turkish |
flows like water |
Carina |
Latin, Italian |
a keel, beloved, dear |
Carine |
Armenian |
friend |
Carla |
Teutonic |
one who is strong, woman |
Carleigh |
German |
freeholder |
Carlen |
Teutonic |
woman |
Carling |
Old English |
hill where old women or witches gather |
Carly |
Latin |
little, womanly |
Carmen |
Hebrew, Latin |
garden, field of fruit, song |
Carna |
Arabic |
horn |
Carnelian |
Latin |
a red gem |
Caroline |
Old German |
strong, melody, song |
Caron |
French |
pure |
Carrigan |
Gaelic |
Carrington |
Old English |
beautiful |
Cary |
Celtic |
honest one, shy |
Cascadia |
Greek |
Casey |
Celtic, Gaelic |
brave, watchful |
Casilda |
Latin |
of the home |
Cassandra |
Greek |
prophet of doom |
Cassia |
Greek |
champion |
Cassiel |
Latin |
angel of Saturday, the earthy mother |
Casta |
Greek |
purity |
Castalia |
Greek |
wife of King Delphus |
Catava |
African |
name from a proverb |
Catherine |
Greek |
pure |
Cauvery |
Hindu |
Cayleigh |
Gaelic |
party |
Cecania |
German |
free |
Cecia |
Cecilia |
Latin |
blind |
Celandia |
Greek |
the swallow |
Celeste |
Latin |
heavenly |
Celine |
Cerdwin |
Celtic |
the mother Goddess |
Cerelia |
Latin |
of the spring |
Chaitaly |
Hindu |
Chaitra |
Hindu |
Aries sign |
Chanah |
Hebrew |
grace |
Chandani |
Sanskrit |
name of the goddess Devi |
Chandi |
Sanskrit |
angry name of goddess Sakti |
Chandra |
Sanskrit |
eminent, illustrious, moon |
Chane |
Hindu, Swahili |
name of a god; dependability |
Chanel |
French |
canal |
Chantal |
French |
a song, stony place |
Charis |
Greek |
charity |
Charisma |
Greek |
grace |
Charissa |
Greek |
grace |
Charity |
Latin |
affection, charity, brotherly love |
Charlotte |
French |
petite and feminine |
Charmian |
Greek |
a little joy |
Charu |
Hindu |
Chastity |
Latin |
purity |
Chay |
Old German |
man |
Chaya |
Hebrew |
life |
Chaylen |
Chelsea |
Old English |
river landing place, port |
Chenoa |
Native American |
white dove |
Cherise |
Greek |
grace |
Cheryl |
French |
beloved, dear |
Chesna |
Slavic |
peaceful |
Cheyenne |
Native American |
Chhavvi |
Hindu |
Chhaya |
Hindu |
shadow |
Chiara |
Latin |
famous; light |
Chika |
Japanese |
near |
Chilali |
Native American |
snowbird |
Chimalis |
Native American |
bluebird |
Chipo |
African |
gift |
Chitra |
Hindu |
portrait |
Chitrangda |
Hindu |
Chloe |
Greek |
blooming |
Chloris |
Old German |
pale |
Cho |
Japanese |
butterfly |
Christabel |
Latin |
beautiful Christian |
Christina |
Greek |
anointed, follows Christ |
Chruse |
Greek |
golden, the golden one |
Chyou |
Chinese |
autumn |
Ciannait |
Irish |
ancient |
Ciar |
Irish |
saint's name |
Circe |
Greek |
witch-goddess; seductive |
Cirea |
Claiborne |
Old English |
born of the earth |
Claire |
Latin, Greek |
bright, shining, clear |
Claude |
Latin |
lame |
Clay |
German |
adhere, mortal |
Clementine |
Latin |
merciful |
Cliantha |
Greek |
flower of glory |
Clio |
Greek |
praise, muse of history |
Clovis |
Old English |
clover |
Cochiti |
Spanish |
forgotten |
Colette |
Greek |
victory of the people |
Colleen |
Celtic, Gaelic |
girl |
Columbia |
Old English |
a dove |
Concepcion |
Spanish |
fertile one, mother, father of nations |
Conncetta |
Constance |
Latin |
faithful, firmness |
Cora |
Greek |
maiden |
Coral |
Latin |
rock |
Corazon |
Filipino |
heart |
Cordelia |
Latin, Celtic |
rope; heart; a sea jewel |
Corin |
Old English |
Corinda |
Corliss |
Old English |
cheerful and generous |
Cornelia |
Latin |
horn |
Courtney |
Old English, French |
from the court |
Crescent |
Old French |
one who creates |
Cressida |
Greek |
gold |
Crystal |
Latin |
clear, bright, ice |
Curissa |
Cuyler |
Celtic |
chapel |
Cybele |
Latin |
name of an Asiatic goddess |
Cynara |
Greek |
thistle |
Cynthia |
Greek |
moon, Greek god |
Cyprien |
French |
Cypriot |
Cyrene |
Greek |
name of a mythological nymph |
Cyrilla |
Greek |
lordly, proud |
Cytheria |
Latin |
Venus |
Cyzarine |
Russian |
royalty |
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