Name |
Origin |
Meaning |
Tabitha |
Greek, Hebrew |
gazelle, roe-buck |
Taborri |
Native Amer |
voices that carry |
Taci |
Zuni Indian |
washtub |
Tacincala |
Native Amer |
deer |
Tacita |
Latin |
to be silent |
Tadako |
Japanese |
child of Tada |
Tadi |
Omaha Indian |
wind |
Taffy |
Welsh |
beloved |
Tahirah |
Arabic |
chaste, pure |
Tai |
Vietnamese, Amer |
talent; from Thailand |
Tailynn |
unknown |
Taima |
Native American |
crash of thunder |
Tainn |
Native American |
new moon |
Taipa |
Miwok Indian |
to spread wings |
Tajsa |
princess |
Taka |
Japanese |
tall, honourable |
Takako |
Japanese |
child of Taka |
Takara |
Japanese |
treasure, precious object |
Takiyah |
North African |
pious, righteous |
Takoda |
Native American |
friend to all |
Tala |
Native American |
stalking wolf |
Talasi |
Hopi Indian |
corn-tassel flower |
Tale |
African |
green |
Taleen |
Armenian |
Talia |
Hebr, Greek, Aust Abor |
dew from heaven; blooming; near water |
Talitha |
Aramaic |
young woman |
Tallulah |
Choctaw Indian |
leaping water |
Talon |
Tam |
Vietnamese |
heart |
Tama |
Native Amer |
thunderbolt |
Tamali |
Hindu |
Tamara |
Hebr, Sanskrit |
palm tree, spice |
Tambrey |
unknown |
immortal |
Tamiko |
Japanese |
child of Tami |
Tammy |
Hebrew |
perfect one |
Tamsyn |
Native American |
Tanaka |
Japanese |
dweller |
Tanasha |
strong willed, persistent |
Tani |
Jap, Melanesian |
valley; sweetheart; youth; bull that charges |
Tansy |
Greek, Hopi Indian |
immortality, flower name |
Tanu |
Hindu |
Tanuja |
Hindu |
Tanushi |
Hindu |
Tanvi |
Hindu |
Tanya |
Russian |
fairy princess |
Tapanga |
African, Hebrew |
sweet, unpredictable |
Tapi |
Hindu |
Tapti |
Hindu |
Tara |
Celt, Gaelic, Hindu |
rocky hill, tower |
Tareva-Chine(shanay) |
Native Amer |
beautiful eyes |
Tarsha |
Native Amer |
Taryn |
Greek |
queen |
Tasha |
Hindu |
Tate |
OE, Native Amer |
to be cheerful; windy, a great talker |
Tatum |
Old English |
cheerful bringer of joy |
Tavia |
Latin, OE |
great |
Tawnie |
English |
little one, yellowish-brown |
Tayce |
French |
silence |
Tayen |
Native Amer |
new moon |
Taylar |
Old French |
to cut |
Taylor |
Middle English |
Tailor |
Teagan |
Tehya |
Native Amer |
precious |
Tejal |
Hindu |
Teji |
Hindu |
Tekla |
Greek |
divine fame |
Tema |
Hebrew |
righteous, a palm tree |
Temina |
Hebrew |
honest |
Temira |
Hebrew |
Tempest |
Old French |
storm |
Tereixa |
Galician |
Terena |
Latin |
earthly |
Terentia |
Greek |
guardian |
Terhi |
Finish |
Terra |
Latin |
Earth |
Terrylyn |
Tertia |
Latin |
the third |
Tesia |
Polish |
loved by God |
Tess |
Greek |
fourth born |
Tessa |
Italian |
countess |
Texcean |
Thais |
Greek |
the bond |
Thalassa |
Greek |
from the sea |
Thalia |
Greek |
blooming, plentiful |
Than |
Greek, Viet |
death, brilliant |
Thana |
Arabic |
gratitude |
Thara |
Arabic |
wealth |
Thea |
Greek, Laos |
goddess, sort |
Thelma |
Greek |
nursing |
Theodora |
Greek |
gift of God |
Theone |
Greek |
godly |
Thera |
Greek |
wild |
Theresa |
Greek |
reaper |
Thirza |
Hebrew |
sweet-natured, cypress tree |
Thisbe |
Greek |
where the doves live |
Thistle |
Old English |
thistle |
Thomasa |
Greek |
twin |
Thora |
Old Norse |
thunder |
Thorborg |
Scandinavian |
Thurid |
Scandinavian |
Thyra |
Greek |
shield-bearer |
Thyra |
Scandinavian |
Thyrrni |
Scandinavian |
Tia |
Spanish, Greek |
aunt, princess |
Tiara |
Greek, Latin |
turban, flower name |
Tiegan |
Aztec |
little princess in the big valley |
Tienette |
Greek |
crowned with laurel |
Tierra |
Spanish |
earth, land |
Tiffany |
Old French |
appearance of God |
Tigerlily |
Timandra |
Greek |
daughter of hero Tyndareus |
Timothea |
Greek |
honouring God |
Tina |
OE, Hindu |
river |
Tineka Jawana |
African |
Tionne |
Tiponya |
Miwok Indian |
owl poking the hatching egg |
Tirza |
Hebrew |
Titania |
Greek |
giant |
Titian |
Greek |
red-gold |
Tivona |
Hebrew |
lover of nature |
Toakase |
Tonga |
woman of the Sea |
Tobit |
Hebrew |
Tokiko |
Japanese |
child of Toki |
Tola |
Polish |
priceless |
Tolena |
Tomiko |
Japanese |
child of Tomi |
Tona |
Topaz |
Latin |
yellow gemstone |
Toral |
Hindu |
Tori |
Japanese |
bird |
Tosia |
Latin |
inestimable |
Tove |
Hebrew |
good |
Toyo |
Japanese |
plentiful |
Tracy |
French |
path, road |
Treasa |
Celtic |
strong |
Tresa |
Aragonic |
Treva |
Celtic |
prudent |
Trifine |
Old French |
Trilby |
Italian |
one who sings musical thrills |
Trilochana |
Hindu |
Trina |
fire, full of spirit |
Trind |
Swedish |
pure |
Trinity |
Latin |
the holy three |
Trishna |
Hindu |
thirst, a form of the Devi |
Trista |
Latin |
sorrowful |
Troy |
French |
place name |
Trudy |
Old English |
beloved |
Trupti |
Hindu |
Trusha |
Hindu |
Tryne |
Dutch |
pure |
Tryphena |
Latin |
dainty |
Tuesday |
Old English |
the day of the week |
Tuhina |
Hindu |
Tulasi |
Hindu |
a Devi |
Tully |
Celtic, Gaelic |
a people, peaceful one |
Tusti |
Hindu |
peace, happiness, a for of the Devi |
Twila |
Twila |
unknown |
Thread |
Tyanne |
special one |
Tydfill |
Welsh |
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