Name |
Origin |
Meaning |
Aakarshan |
Hindu |
attraction |
Aaron |
Hebrew, Arabic |
shining light, high mountain, messenger |
Aba |
Hungarian |
father |
Abbott |
Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew |
father |
Abdel |
Arabic |
servant |
Abdiel |
Hebrew |
servant of god |
Abdieso |
Persian |
Abejundio |
Spanish |
relating to the Abaje |
Abel |
Hebrew, Assyrian |
breath, child |
Abelard |
Old German, Middle English |
resolute, keeper of the abbey larder |
Abenzio |
Celtic |
Abercio |
Latin |
Abhay |
Hindu |
a son of Dharma |
Abhi |
Hindu |
Abhijit |
Hindu |
a constellation dear to Hari |
Abhinav |
Hindu |
Abhishek |
Hindu |
Abie |
Hebrew |
father or mother of many |
Abijah |
Hebrew |
The Lord is my father |
Abner |
Hebrew |
father of light |
Abraham |
Hebrew |
father of a multitude |
Abrasha |
Hebrew |
father |
Abudemio |
Assyrian |
Abundiantus |
Latin |
plentiful |
Acacio |
Hebrew |
the Lord holds |
Acario |
Latin |
ungrateful |
Accursius |
Latin |
to hasten |
Ace |
Latin |
unity, one, first rate |
Achilles |
Greek |
without lips, brown, dark |
Achyuta |
Hindu |
a name of Vishnu |
Ackley |
Old English |
meadow of oaks |
Acton |
Old English |
town with many oaks |
Acuzio |
Latin |
sharp |
Adair |
Gaelic |
noble, exalted, oak-tree ford |
Adalardo |
Celtic |
noble |
Adalgiso |
Old German |
noble hostage |
Adalrico |
Latin, Old German |
noble, powerful and rich |
Adam |
Hebrew |
earth, created by God |
Addai |
Hebrew |
man of god |
Addison |
Old English |
Adam's son |
Addo |
Teutonic, Hebrew |
happy, ornament |
Adeben |
Ghanese |
twelfth-born son |
Adelais |
Latin |
noble |
Adelbert |
Old German |
famous for nobility |
Adelfried |
Old German |
who protects the descendants |
Adelino |
Old German |
noble |
Adelmo |
Old German |
noble protector |
Adelphos |
Greek |
brother |
Ademaro |
Old German |
glorious in battle |
Adeodatus |
Latin |
given by God |
Adiran |
Latin |
of the Adriatic |
Aditya |
Hindu |
lord of the sun |
Adlai |
Hebrew |
my witness, refuge of god |
Adler |
German |
eagle |
Adley |
Hebrew |
just |
Admes |
Greek |
Admon |
Hebrew |
red peony |
Adolph |
German |
noble wolf, noble hero |
Adon |
Hebrew |
lord |
Adonis |
Greek |
man loved by Aphrodite, handsome |
Adony |
Hungarian |
Adrastos |
Greek |
undaunted |
Adrian |
Greek, Latin |
rich, wealthy, dark one |
Adriel |
Native American |
beaver, symbol of skill |
Aeneas |
Greek |
worthy of praise |
Aetos |
Greek |
eagle |
Afro |
Latin |
from Africa |
Agabo |
Hebrew |
Agape |
Greek |
love of the next |
Agatone |
Greek |
good, kind |
Ahab |
Hebrew |
uncle |
Ahearn |
Celtic |
lord of the horses |
Ahmik |
Hebrew |
strength of gods flock |
Ahren |
Old German |
eagle |
Aidan |
Middle English, Gaelic |
help, little fire |
Aiken |
Anglo-Saxon |
sturdy, oaken |
Ailen |
Old English |
made of oak |
Aimery |
Teutonic |
industrious ruler |
Aitan |
Hebrew, African |
fights of possession |
Ajatashatru |
Hindu |
a name of Vishnu |
Ajayi |
Yoruban, Nigerian |
born face-down |
Ajit |
Hindu |
Ajitabh |
Hindu |
Akaash |
Hindu |
sky |
Akando |
Native American |
ambush |
Akello |
Ugandan |
I have bought |
Akil |
Arabic |
intelligent, logical |
Akira |
Scottish, Japanese |
anchor |
Akshay |
Hindu |
name of a God |
Alan |
Gaelic, Celtic |
handsome, cheerful, noble |
Aland |
English |
bright as the sun |
Alaric |
Old German |
noble ruler |
Alastair |
Scottish |
protector of mankind, defender, helper |
Alban |
Latin |
white, fair |
Albert |
German |
noble and bright |
Albion |
Latin |
blond |
Alcander |
Greek |
strong |
Alcott |
Old English |
old cottage |
Alden |
Middle, Old English |
antique, old, wise protector, old friend |
Alder |
Middle, Old English |
birch tree, revered one |
Aldous |
Old German |
old wealthy |
Aldrich |
Old English |
old king |
Aleron |
French |
knight armour |
Aleser |
Arabic |
lion |
Alexander |
Greek |
protector of mankind |
Alfred |
Old English |
wise counsel |
Alger |
Old German |
noble warrior |
Algernon |
Old French |
moustachioed |
Algren |
unknown |
Ali |
Arabic, Native American |
God, little, the highest |
Alim |
Arabic |
wise, learned |
Allard |
Old English, Teutonic |
noble and brave |
Alok |
Hindu |
Alphonse |
Old German |
noble estate, eager |
Alston |
Anglo-Saxon |
from the old manor |
Altair |
Arabic, Greek |
bird, star |
Alvin |
Old English |
elf wine, noble friend |
Amadeus |
Latin |
love of god |
Amadi |
Nigerian |
general rejoicing, seemed destined to die at |
Amado |
Latin |
loving deity |
Amador |
Spanish |
lover |
Amal |
Hindu, Arabic |
bright, clean, pure; hope, wish, dream |
Amar |
Hindu |
forever |
Amarus |
Greek |
unfading love |
Amato |
Spanish |
beloved |
Amherst |
English |
place name |
Amiel |
Hebrew |
god of my people |
Amir |
Arabic |
prince |
Amistad |
Spanish |
friendship |
Amit |
Hindu |
endless |
Amitabh |
Hindu |
Amitava |
Hindu |
Amol |
Hindu |
Amon |
Celtic, Egyptian |
the hidden |
Amory |
Latin |
loving |
Amos |
Hebrew |
troubled |
Amrit |
Hindu |
nectar |
Amsden |
Old English |
from the Ambrose's valley |
Amul |
Hindu |
Amulya |
Hindu |
priceless |
Anand |
Hindu |
bliss, happiness |
Anant |
Hindu |
Anatole |
Greek |
from the East |
Anay |
Hindu |
Ancel |
Old German, French |
deity, servant, divine Helmt |
Anderson |
unknown |
Son of Andrew |
Andreus |
Greek |
son of river peneius |
Andrew |
Greek, French |
manly, valiant, courageous |
Ang |
Swedish |
Angada |
Hindu |
a son of Lakshmana |
Angelo |
Greek |
heavenly messenger |
Angus |
Gaelic, Celtic |
superb, unique |
Anieli |
Greek |
manly |
Anil |
Hindu |
Anirudhh |
Hindu |
Anish |
Hindu |
Aniston |
Anjuman |
Hindu |
a party place (mehfil) |
Anker |
Greek |
manly |
Ankit |
Hindu |
Ankur |
Hindu |
Anniruddha |
Hindu |
son of Pradyummna |
Anoki |
Native American |
an actor |
Anoop |
Hindu |
incomparable, the best |
Anshu |
Hindu |
Anshul |
Hindu |
Anshuman |
Hindu |
Ansley |
Old English |
from the pastureland of the noble |
Anson |
Anglo-Saxon |
son of a nobleman, son of Ann or Hans |
Antal |
Latin |
prince |
Anthony |
Latin, Greek |
priceless, flourishing, flower |
Apostolos |
Greek |
Aram |
Assyrian |
high place |
Archer |
Teutonic |
the archer |
Archibald |
Anglo-Saxon |
bold prince |
Arden |
Latin, Old English |
passionate, eagle valley |
Ardon |
Hebrew |
bronze |
Aren |
Nigerian |
eagle |
Ares |
Greek |
god of war |
Argus |
Greek |
bright, watchful |
Ari |
Hebrew |
lion |
Aricin |
Norwegian |
the eternal kings son |
Arion |
Greek |
musician |
Aristo |
Greek |
best |
Arjun |
Hindu |
one of the Pandavas |
Arkin |
Norwegian |
the eternal king's son |
Arland |
Celtic |
pledge |
Arley |
Latin |
the bowman |
Arlo |
unknown |
hill |
Armand |
French |
of the army |
Armen |
Armenian |
Armenian |
Armon |
Hebrew |
castle |
Arnold |
German |
eagle, powerful |
Arnon |
Hebrew |
rushing stream |
Arpiar |
Armenian |
sunny |
Arsen |
Greek |
strong |
Arsenio |
Greek |
manly, virile |
Artemis |
Greek |
moon |
Arthur |
Celtic |
noble, follower of Thor |
Arthus |
Welsh |
bear hero, a rock |
Arun |
Hindu |
Arvind |
Hindu |
Arwin |
young, prince |
Aseem |
Hindu |
Asher |
Hebrew |
fortunate, lucky, blessed, happy |
Ashish |
Hindu |
blessings |
Ashok |
Hindu |
Ashon |
Ghanese |
seventh-born son |
Ashton |
Ashutosh |
Hindu |
Ashwin |
Hindu |
strong horse |
Ashwini |
Hindu |
Asija |
Hindu |
a great sage, brother of Brihaspati |
Asparouh |
Bulgarian |
Astin |
unknown |
strong Leader, trustworthy |
Astley |
unknown |
star |
Asuman |
Hindu |
lord of vital breaths |
Asvathama |
Hindu |
sun of drona |
Asvin |
Hindu |
(Nasatya and Dasra) gods of medicine |
Asztrik |
Hungarian |
made from ashen wood |
Athan |
Greek |
immortal |
Atharvan |
Hindu |
knower of the Arthara Vedas |
Atherol |
Old English |
dweller at the spring farm |
Athol |
Scottish |
place name |
Atilla |
Hungarian |
beloved father |
Atmajyoti |
Hindu |
light of Atma |
Atman |
Hindu |
the self |
Atrayl |
Atrus |
Attis |
Greek |
handsome boy |
Atul |
Hindu |
Atulya |
Hindu |
Auburn |
Latin |
fair |
Audric |
French |
old and wise rule |
Audun |
Norwegian |
deserted |
Augustus |
Latin |
exalted |
Aurek |
Polish |
golden-haired |
Aurelio |
Latin |
gold |
Avalon |
unknown |
island |
Averill |
Old English |
boar-warrior |
Avery |
Anglo-Saxon |
ruler of the elves |
Avinash |
Hindu |
Axel |
Hebrew, Swedish |
divine reward; divine source of life |
Ayush |
Hindu |
| A
| B |
C | D
| E |
F | G
| H |
I | J
| K |
L | M
| N |
O | P
| Q |
R | S
| T |
U |
V | W |
X |
Y | Z |
English: dog; Australian Aboriginal:
buruma; Afrikaans: hond;
Ancient Egyptian: iwiw; Cheyenne: oeškeso; Dutch: de hond;
Finnish: koira; French: chien; Frisian: dogge/hûn; German: hund;
Hawaiian: ka `îlio; Hungarian: kutya; Icelandic: hundur;
Inuit: kringmerk; Italian: cane; Latin: canis; Malay: anjing;
Maori: poke; Norwegian: hund; Oji-Cree: ani-mosh; Polish: pies;
Portuguese: cão; Romanian: cîine; Scottish Gaelic: cù; Spanish:
Sranan: dagu; Swahili: mbwa; Swedish: hund; Tagalog: áso; Turkish:
Yucatec: pek'; Zulu: inja
