Name |
Origin |
Meaning |
Zádor |
Hungarian |
violent |
Zágon |
Hungarian |
Zámor |
Hungarian |
plough-land |
Zétény |
Hungarian |
Zabia |
African |
unknown |
Zabulon |
Hebrew |
to exalt, honour |
Zaccheo |
Hebrew |
the one God remembers |
Zachary |
Hebrew |
God remembers, renowned by God |
Zafer |
Turkish |
Zagger |
unknown |
Zahin |
Hindu |
Zahur |
Egyptian |
a flower |
Zaid |
African |
increase, growth |
Zaide |
Yiddish |
elder |
Zajzon |
Hungarian |
Zakai |
Aramaic, Hebrew |
innocent, one who is pure |
Zalán |
Hungarian |
thrower, hitter |
Zalman |
unknown |
peaceful and quiet |
Zamir |
Hebrew |
Zane |
Hebrew, Old English |
God's grace, sea-friend |
Zanebono |
Italian |
the good one |
Zani |
Albanian |
Zaniel |
Latin |
angel of Mondays |
Zanipolo |
Italian |
little gift of God |
Zann |
Hebrew |
Zanobi |
Latin |
scarcely alive |
Zaránd |
Hungarian |
gold |
Zarek |
Greek |
may God protect the king |
Zayden |
Hebrew |
Zazu |
Hebrew |
movement |
Zdenek |
Czech |
one from Sidon, a winding sheet |
Zebedeo |
Aramaic |
servant of God |
Zebulon |
Hebrew |
home |
Zedekiah |
Hebrew |
justice of the lord |
Zefirino |
Greek |
wind of spring |
Zekö |
Hungarian |
Zeke |
Arabic |
the memory of the lord |
Zeki |
Turkish |
Zelig |
Old German |
the blessed one |
Zelipe |
Aragonese |
Zeno |
Greek |
of Zeus |
Zenoa |
Hebrew |
Zenobio |
Greek |
strength of Jupiter |
Zenon |
Spanish |
living |
Zenos |
Greek |
gift of Zeus |
Zephan |
Hebrew |
treasured by God |
Zephyr |
Greek |
wind |
Zeren |
Turkish |
Zerind |
Hungarian |
Serb |
Zero |
Greek |
seeds |
Zeth |
Greek |
investigator, researcher |
Zev |
Hebrew, Hindu |
deer, wolf |
Ziff |
Hebrew |
wolf |
Zion |
Hebrew |
a sign |
Ziv |
Hebrew |
very bright |
Ziven |
Slavic |
vigorous and alive |
Zoárd |
Hungarian |
Zobor |
Hungarian |
gathering |
Zoello |
Greek |
son of Zoë |
Zoilo |
Greek |
lively |
Zoland |
Hebrew |
Zoltán |
Hungarian |
chieftain |
Zombor |
Hungarian |
buffalo |
Zorán |
Hungarian |
dawn |
Zorro |
Slavic |
golden dawn |
Zosimo |
Greek |
lively |
Zotico |
Greek |
lively |
Zowie |
Gaelic |
Zsigmond |
Hungarian |
victorious defender |
Zsolt |
Hungarian |
name of an honour |
Zurl |
Hebrew |
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